[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 310

Now prove the inevitable. <br / translate="no">
What are you doing, Volodya? This is not the case. How can there be any proof from Richie?
Mathemat >>:
Ты чего, Володя? Это не тот случай. Ну какое может быть доказательство от Richie?

The roles are alive and well thanks to the role expectations of others. I don't give a shit what role Richie claims to play here... with your help... :) But as long as he's here, I have a right to expect what I want from him. Even if it's behaviour outside his role-playing habits. It's a strategy I've developed as a therapist and it's proven to be productive. Join in.

Well, I do my best. Richie has the most comments here.
To clarify: the problem is for 8th grade, so there shouldn't be any nonsense like group theory here (though, generally speaking, such 8th graders often know it).
MetaDriver >>:

Роли живы и стабильны благодаря ролевым ожиданиям окружающих.

Man, that was good.
although not without controversy.

It is not uncontroversial. There are times when the role is changed by the person themselves, regardless of expectations. In this case - let's say, just for the sake of experimentation.
Mathemat >>:
Не бесспорно. Бывает, что роль меняет сам человек независимо от ожиданий.

Exactly right, and gets a conflict with external expectations (MAKS external expectations are always slower))
Wow, that's quite a theory.
I won't go into psychology, basic maths at 8th grade level is enough for me :)

Mathemat, I have spent 6 hours on your triangle problem, but I have not received a concrete solution from you. So far you have only given me an answer without a solution. If you have one, at last, spit it out. As for the answer (area), I can get it without mathematics using computer :)))))


Problem 409.

If all the numbers in the original four are integers, then it takes no more than 23 presses for one of the numbers to become bigger than 1985.

Richie >>:

Mathemat, я на вашу задачу про треугольники 6 часов угробил, однако конкретного решения от вас так и не дождался. Пока был только ответ без решения. Если оно у вас есть - слейте его, наконец.

I don't have it, but I gave you the solution for alsu, here it is:


The problem isn't really mine...

As for the answer (area), I can get it without mathematics, by computer :)))))

Well, well. The answer is the root of five plus one exactly?