[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 204

vegetate писал(а) >>

These proponents of the grand conspiracy theory are so ridiculous. Starting with Professor NIHAGO, who started this mess...

One great country never found chemical weapons in another small country, even though half the planet was "convinced"

that they were there. I could go on, I could give you other examples of global lies, but I won't.


So, what is it about fuel consumption, can you elaborate on your point of view.

I personally maintain that this vehicle would not have lifted off the moon.

Richie >>:

vegetate, одна великая страна так и не нашла в другой маленькой стране химическое оружие, хотя пол планеты "убедила" в том,

что оно там есть. Могу продолжить, привести и другие примеры глобального вранья, но не буду.


Так, что там с расходом топлива, можно подробнее вашу точку зрения.

Я лично утверждаю, что данный аппарат не взлетел бы с Луны.

Examples of global lies can be cited until we are blue in the face, there are enough of them on both sides.

First of all, it was not the landing module that took off from the moon, and secondly, what took off was not an independent part for the flight back. The command module stayed on the orbit of the moon, so there was no need to carry the entire fuel reserve to the moon and back.

Thirdly. I looked it up on Wikipedia, there is not a single word about Lagrangian points in the Earth-Moon system, they are discussed in relation to the Sun, Jupiter and other uninteresting in this context celestial bodies, and to hell with them. It is simply a fact that there is a point at which the gravities of the Earth and the Moon are balanced. So, you have to accelerate the ship only up to this point. From there, you only have to slow down and let gravity do its work. And this point is closer to the moon than to the earth. You will have to carry the same amount of "petrol" for a return trip. Well, plus junk thrown away on the way, in the form of accelerating stages, landing module and spent fuel.

PS. Not enough for you the plane and flies... let us have a lunar discussion.

vegetate писал(а) >>

PS. Not enough aeroplane and flies for you... give me a Luno-bashing.

There will be no moonfighting here :)

I'm talking specifically about taking off from the Moon, not about flying from its "orbit" to Earth, figuratively speaking.

Tell me, if you know how much fuel was in the apparatus that took off from the Moon and what was the mass of this apparatus?


This "gravitsapa" took off from the moon, or am I wrong:


Richie писал(а) >>

Tell me, if you know, how much fuel was in the vehicle that took off from the moon and what was the mass of that vehicle?

and what is the gravitational force of the moon? not by earthly standards to judge.... Do you deny the mission of the Americans to Mars because you are a patriot of your country?

P.S. We wouldn't be having this conversation if our people had gone ahead.

Mathemat >>:

Простенькая задачка: что больше - e^Pi или Pi^e? И на сколько эти числа различаются?

first, since Pi != e, and the expression e^x - x^e >= 0 when x > 0. But by how much -- xx.


For maths lovers, this is my last problem solving run for today:

Find an infinite number of solutions to the equation x^y = y^x.

The problem was solved in the 9th grade at our FMS. The complete solution cannot be recovered now, but I have the formulas that give exactly infinite number of solutions. It is possible that these formulas give all possible solutions, but I no longer remember it. I'll have to remember, though.

There are solutions with Lambert's function on the internet, but we certainly didn't use it. The solution is elementary, but you have to use your brain.

2 TheXpert: "e^x - x^e >= 0 for x > 0" - this will obviously have to be proved.


If x=y, then the equality is fulfilled.


Well done, kitten! I can tell you another solution: (2,4). It is well known.

And here's a surprise: (sqrt(3), 3*sqrt(3)) - is also a solution. Check it, it is so.

The smallest thing left is the remaining infinity of solutions :)

P.S. Yes, exactly, I did not say the most important thing: it is an infinite number of non-trivial solutions which must be found.