[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 132

xeon писал(а) >>

If you neglect these parameters only, it won't get there at all :-)

You can't ignore everything :)

Alsu, you're right of course, but there's a trick that very few people know. Just think about it.

If you start digging in this direction, a new way of looking at some things opens up.


The hypothesis of the distribution of zeros.

The function ζ(s ) is defined for all complex , and has zeros for negative integers . It follows from the functional equation , and the explicit expression at , that all other zeros, called "nontrivial" ones, are located in the band symmetrically about the so-called "critical line" . The hypothesis states that:

All nontrivial zeros of the zeta function have a real part equal to .

Prove this hypothesis better :-))

Richie >>:

Так сколько это будет в часах или минутах?

The average radius of the Earth is 6,371,000 m, the acceleration of gravity on the surface is 9.8 m/s^2, substituting T/2=2533 seconds or approximately 42.2 minutes.

alsu писал(а) >>

The average radius of the Earth is 6,371,000 m, the acceleration of gravity at the surface is 9.8 m/s^2, so we have T/2=2533 seconds or approximately 42.2 minutes.

Theoretically :)

Interestingly, time is independent of distance between M and N - this is curious. But, there is an even more curious thing. Which one - I won't say yet.

the funny thing is that if you don't just drop a brick into a hole, but give it a magic kick, i.e. some initial speed, it will pop out of the hole at the opposite end, take a picture of the landscape and go back the other way. Should advise military intelligence :)))))

The distance between cities equals twice the radius (directly), so how does it not depend on it?

2 xeon: is that what you want to make Richie "rimanistic"? Much simpler - fermatic...

Mathemat писал(а) >>

The distance between cities equals twice the radius (directly), so how does it not depend on it?

Yes, it doesn't depend. Paradox :) But, once again, it's not the funniest paradox.

PS: the acceleration changes.


The distance is equal to twice the radius of the ball, and the dependence on the radius of the Earth is fixed in the formula, you have seen it, Richie. How is it not dependent?

Richie >> PS: меняется ускорение.

It is also accounted for in the diphurk.

Mathemat >>:

Расстояние между городами равно удвоенному радиусу (напрямую), как же от него не зависит?

2 xeon: это что же, ты хочешь Richie "риманистиком" сделать? Гораздо проще - ферматиком...

Nah, that's just one way to make money on the depo :-))
If, however, we take air and wall friction into account and take it, say, proportional to velocity, we get another term in our difura, which means that the brick will not fly to the opposite end, but will make a damped oscillation around the centre of the planet, and in the limit will hang there forever:)