[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 56

Neutron писал(а) >>

Do you think the surface temperature of the Sun would be higher if you blew up a barrel of gunpowder in its centre?

I don't think so :)


I don't have to think either.

You'd better tell me what you think!

P.S. For the mirror problem, the solution is obvious: the luminosity of the object in the room will be higher if there are mirrors.

You just have to apply the law of conservation of energy to solve it. The lamp radiates energy and everything around it absorbs exactly the same amount of it. The degree of absorption is proportional to the coefficient of blackness of the bodies. Therefore, the brighter the walls around our screen, the more the screen is illuminated.


Gentlemen, you've definitely got the refrigerator and the air conditioner wrong. Are you suggesting that they take heat from the cold side and pump it to the warm side? In a sense this is true, but the efficiency of this process cannot be such that the balance is positive.

MetaDriver писал(а) >>

Hypothesis: ALL interacting processes tend to enter into either symmetric (bosonic) or antisymmetric (fermionic) relationships. Neutrality (bosonic-fermionic) is only a dream.

Required: to prove or disprove.

// As a side-effect, there may be some good ideas about curbing forex... :)

I think this is a strong simplification of particle interaction processes. I'm afraid we first have to prove that such particle interactions themselves exist. It's not a fact that some of these particles exist either, for example - the graviton. I, for one, strongly doubt it. I personally, am very distrustful of anything "extrapolated" by the minds of scientists too far away. If they cannot predict the price behaviour half an hour ahead :) About forex ideas it would be interesting to know....

Candid писал(а) >>

Gentlemen, you've definitely got the refrigerator and the air conditioner wrong. Are you suggesting that they take heat from the cold side and pump it to the warm side? In a sense they do, but the efficiency of this process cannot be such that the balance is positive.

Heat pumps, which take heat from the cold and heat the rooms, have long been established. One of the hotels in Moscow is completely heated by it.

Vinin >>:

Давно уже созданы тепловые насосы, которые забирают тепло из холода и обогревают помещения. В Москве одна из гостиниц за счет этого полностью отапливается.

The content of my post was about the k.p.i. of the process.

Neutron писал(а) >>

I don't have to think either.

You'd better tell me what you think!

P.S. For the mirror problem, the solution is obvious: the luminosity of the object in the room will be higher if there are mirrors.

You just have to apply the law of conservation of energy to solve it. The lamp radiates energy and everything around it absorbs exactly the same amount of it. The degree of absorption is proportional to the coefficient of blackness of the bodies. Therefore, the brighter the walls around our screen, the more the screen is illuminated.


1. The sun is a fusion reactor. The temperature on the surface is said to be about 6,000g, though I have not personally measured it :). Inside - much higher, and no one knows exactly how much, I think - several tens of millions. The powder keg is chemistry. Chemistry can't provide temperatures comparable to thermonuclear.

I don't know exactly what temperature develops when gunpowder burns, but when the "coolest" gas, dicyan, burns in oxygen, it develops a temperature of about 5000 degrees (according to other data - about 6000 degrees in ozone). So, the chemical reaction of decomposition of "pyroxylin", figuratively speaking, simply cannot increase the temperature of the sun. Incidentally, there are cases where chemical combustion reactions are used precisely to lower the temperature - the shells of spaceships, for example.

2. Compare a barrel of gunpowder to the sun. It has your barrel. You don't even want to compare dimensions and masses :)

Vinin писал(а) >>

Heat pumps, which draw heat from the cold and heat the rooms, have been around for a long time. In Moscow, one of the hotels is fully heated using this method.

In Canada, for example, there are already thermal power plants based on this principle outside our country. And we have ..... And we have gas as long as we have it :)


Richie писал(а) >> Объясняю. 1. Солнце - термоядерный реактор. Температура на поверхности - говорят, около 6 тыс. гр., хотя я лично не мерил :). Внутри - гораздо выше, и никто точно не знает сколько, я думаю - несколько десятков млн. Бочка с порохом - химия. Химия не может обеспечить температуру, сравнимую с термоядерной.Не знаю точно, какая температура развивается при горении пороха, но при горении самого "крутого" газа - дициана в кислороде развивается температура порядка 5000 градусов (по другим данным - около 6000 градусов в озоне). Так, что химическая реакция разложения "пироксилина", образно говоря, просто не может увеличить температуру солнца. Кстати, есть случаи, когда химические реакции горения применяются именно для понижения температуры - обшивки космических кораблей, например.2. Сравните бочку с порохом и солнце. Ему ваша бочка. Даже сравнивать размеры и массы не хочется :)

Why are you trying to bury yourself in a pile of all sorts of subtleties and minutiae? The question is crystal clear: Will there be an increase in surface temperature.

It doesn't matter that the possible increase is one billionth of a degree. What matters is that it will happen!

At desire, I can reformulate the condition on a match which has been lit in bowels of a cranial giant - Betelgeuse, and it is not important that the burning temperature of a match is 1000 g and it is much less than ambient temperature, important that it will add energy and it needs somewhere to escape.

Candid >>:

Содержательная часть моего поста касалась к.п.д. этого процесса.


Anything above sub-zero is warm.

-10 Celsius is hot.

A 100 watt blower plugged into a hole in the wall will happily deliver a huge amount of heat from a room with 100 degrees Celsius

to the next room at 0 Celsius.

Neither the fan nor the compressor generates heat, they transport it.