Filter without delay - page 17

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I would like to recall the fate of the Fourier package - all unfinished, closed to outsiders. So far no one has proved that Fourier (Bourg) cannot be used to construct a TS. This is the result of the indulgence of one, two people. They tried it. It didn't work. Maybe someone else did. We need to make normal access to Matlab. There's a lot more out there, including a huge Fourier-related complex. You just need to master Matlab as a mathematical package for MQL - after all, it is the only decent language that does not have its own developed mathematical package.

I've mastered it for a long time, and I've looked at your wavelets lengthwise and crosswise. And prove that MESA using filters to do nothing will not work, I've tried to you - understand there are no filters without delays. So what are they called they do not have a delay where its value is small for their application.

But on the other hand I don't understand what prevents you from taking everything you want and checking it in matlab. Make an export, as advised here and race whatever you want. :) I even made three-dimensional plots there just by your spectra. There's a special forum there to help and a lot of great books on Matlab. It's quite simple, really. :)

But Yuri told you right, fill in the data and look at it.


The topic is very interesting... . But the Heroes of this topic lacked understanding... nor mutual respect... . No offense... ...but that's what Runet is all about... . Kotirs can be brought to quasi-stationarity! Take my word for it... )))

Filters and DSP work. You have to know how to apply them. Wavelets can also be applied, but not deeper than 2 decomposition (I can't explain it better). Not Haar. The main thing is to tell the computer when and what to apply! And this is on the verge of artistic....

There is no Holy Grail. The only grail is between your ears!!! 10000000000%! - when you understand it, you will make as much money as zeros here ...) )))

But you can learn to use each tool in due time. Remember the main thing: the computer is only a very cool, but machine! You have to think!

So Matlab help you! (not advertising)

For beginners: You might want to start with this article: It contains the essence and salt of these methods in an accessible form... .

Технический анализ: Что мы анализируем?
Технический анализ: Что мы анализируем?
  • 2010.09.28
  • Victor
В статье предпринята попытка в общем виде проанализировать некоторые особенности представления котировок доступных для анализа в терминале MetaTrader. Техника программирования в статье не затрагивается, статья носит общий характер.

The topic is very interesting... . But the Heroes of this topic lacked understanding... nor mutual respect... . No offense... ...but that's what Runet is all about... . Kotirs can be brought to quasi-stationarity! Take my word for it... )))

Filters and DSP work. You have to know how to apply them. Wavelets can also be applied, but not deeper than 2 decomposition (I can't explain it better). Not Haar. The main thing is to tell the computer when and what to apply! And this is on the verge of artistic....

There is no Holy Grail. The only grail is between your ears!!! 10000000000%! - when you understand it, you will make as much money as zeros here ...) )))

But you can learn to use each tool in due time. Remember the main thing: the computer is only a very cool, but machine! You have to think!

So Matlab help you! (not advertising)

For beginners: You might want to start with this article: It contains the essence and salt of these methods in an accessible form... .

You should buy a calendar, it's a bit outdated, like ten years ))))