Filter without delay - page 14

lea >>:

Это для целых чисел используется. Для вещественных в формате "IEEE номер какой-то там" знаковый бит вынесен отдельно. Так что VDev правильно подсказывает.

Yes, just change the bit, here is an example

123.456 -> 0x405edd2f1a9fbe77

-123.456 -> 0xc05edd2f1a9fbe77

Zhunko писал(а) >>

I can't see how a wavelet transform can help in forecasting...? Or just in trading?

I have almost harmonic curves in the pictures. You can already use them to make predictions. What's the wavelet for?

>> is it not attached?

faa1947 >>:

аттеч не прикрепился?

I don't have RAR, for example. Why attach a packaged one? It's an old habit to save on traffic.

Although, it seems to me, that since you're looking for companions, it would be good for you - to explain to housewives, what's in the wavelengths, I think you should start with a definition of what it is.

And to hell with an expert who cannot explain complicated things in simple words. It means he doesn't know them well enough. He only operates with concepts without getting to the essence of things. :) I mean, you're probably going to say that it's very complicated and long to explain. :)

SProgrammer писал(а) >>

I don't have RAR, for example. Why attach a packaged one? It's an old habit to save on traffic.

Although, it seems to me, that since you are looking for companions, it would be good for you - to explain to housewives, what's in the wavelengths, I think you have to start with a definition of what it is.

And to hell with an expert who cannot explain complicated things in simple words. It means he doesn't know them well enough. He only operates with concepts without getting to the essence of things. :) I mean, you're probably going to say that it's very complicated and long to explain. :)

If you have no rar, I'll give it to you personally for very big money. The offered book is a small introduction in which everything is chewed up, while the essence of vaylet has been chewed up by me many times on this forum.

Zhunko >>:

:-)) Ну уж прям шарлатаны!...

Японцы придумали эту систему, когда ещё не было Форекса. Да и не было спекулятивных рынков на планете. Это было много веков назад.

И всё было заточено под прогнозирование урожая риса. Одна свеча = год. А сейчас мы просто пользуемся их наработками на всех рыночных кривых.

That's what I want to check. IMHO it can only work for one reason - because the vast majority believe in it and when they see a "hangman" in an uptrend they start to open shorts in terror.

I didn't know about the rice, that's funny. The Japanese in general are great entertainers ))

faa1947 >>:

Ну, если нет rar то за очень большие деньги я Вам, лично, дам. Предлагаемая книга - это небольшое введение, в котором все разжевано, а суть вейлета мной разжевана многократно на этом форуме.

What year were you born? Forgive me for asking an idiotic question. I just think the reason for not understanding lies somewhere in here. I'm about :) 1964.

:( For a lot of money, um... ... I even have the source code.

Do you need associates? Or do you want me to be your sidekick? :)


I, for example, nothing but text files from the forum, unless it is a VERY strong need, DO NOT OPEN. And you've put a Pdf here. :) I'd also like a self-opening archive. :)

You don't want to tell me in 100 words, I don't have to.

For your information, like I'm just an example of a certain abstract interlocutor from the forum :) - I have a second degree in mathematics, I've been involved in programming for 20 years. :) In a very, very "star" western companies. Believe me, it's something to be proud of... ( Or maybe not :) ).

You simply have some irritation that "idiots sit here on a forum and talk rubbish - they are far from me to a genius and a guru" :)

So - no one here is knocking knees and running to deal with wavelets, since YOU said it's worth it.

YES!!! Attention, I'm not going to do the wavelets 200% !!! And I'm just saying all sorts of bragging things about myself just to wake you up a bit... :)

SProgrammer писал(а) >>

What year were you born? Forgive me for asking an idiotic question. I just think the reason for not understanding lies somewhere in here. I'm about :) 1964.

:( For a lot of money, um... ... I even have the source code.

Do you need associates? Or do I need to get on your team? :)


For example, I don't open anything but text files from the forum unless I really need them. And you've put a Pdf here. :) If only there were a self-opening archive. :)

You don't want to tell me in 100 words, I don't have to.

For your information, like I'm just an example of a certain abstract interlocutor from the forum :) - I have a second degree in mathematics, I've been involved in programming for 20 years. :) In a very, very "star" western companies. Believe me, it's something to be proud of... ( Or maybe not :) ).

You just have some irritation that "idiots are sitting here on the forum making such a fuss - they are no match for my genius and guru" :)

So - no one here is knocking knees and running to deal with wavelets, since YOU said it's worth it.

YES!!! Attention, I'm not going to do the wavelets 200% !!! And I'm just saying all sorts of bragging things about myself just to wake you up a bit... :)

Such nonsense and such an outburst of pride. Your biography doesn't impress you in any way, so diagnosis: hubris to the skies, you don't know your place in life yet.

faa1947 >>:

Из-за такой чепухи и такой всплеск гордыни. Ваша биография ничем не поразила, так что диагнос: гордыня до небес, своего места в жизни еще не знаете.

What arrogance - I wrote to you - I gave you an example of an interlocutor. :)

And you're talking about hubris. :)

Pride is the worst kind of sin.

Your answer clears up a lot - I just do not understand one thing, why time after time someone agitates on the forum? :) You already have it all - it's you !!! :)

CROM >>:

Do you have a commentary on the picture?