I will write TORs for client traders for programmers - page 2

sand писал(а) >>

This is an interesting question, but as I've already written, a stager is needed for big projects. How many big MQL projects have you personally done? I've done no more than 2 for a total of over a hundred, although there are many more in other fields.

If you put it like that, for real, probably none.

Integer >>:

Если так считать, по настоящему, то наверно ни одного.

It only seems that way...

For me my first EA was the greatest project (as I thought) of my life, now of course I feel ridiculous...

Everything that's been done before seems like a small thing compared to what's to be done.


What nonsense, you think programmers are kidding if they have 500 Ue a month and all right, but they do not always have customers, if there was a flow of half who write programs they simply would not have time to write something on forums. Most customers are 10-50 Ue, and what hard work they have to do until they write a program))).

It is easier to load a train of cars with salt to a technical enterprise or something else. You can swap an old car you bought last year for a new one or go somewhere else.

Not only do programmers sit idle, but freeloaders join them, calculate the cost of output, and the contingent of customers, there are only students who do not have money, but they scrape together a couple of quid and try to order something, and even pay for drawing up terms of reference, so he generally hangs himself)))


If Dmitry supports the initiative and has even thought about it himself before, it means that he is definitely not sitting idle. What's the point of talking about it if you get a couple of small orders a month?

P.S. About the qualifications of the task manager: it must be significantly higher than the qualifications of the coder only for large projects. And a major project is months of work at least. Have you had many such projects, Dmitry?

So that in this case it is enough for the programmer to have a reasonable idea of what can be formalized (and of what has already been formalized, so that at the right time he/she can propose an option).

P.S. And the cost to the customer will of course rise. It's long overdue to get higher, by the way.

1Rakso писал(а) >>

What nonsense, you think programmers are kidding if they have 500 Ue a month and all right, but they do not always have customers, if there was a flow of half who write programs they simply would not have time to write something on forums. Most customers are 10-50 Ue, and what hard work they have to do until they write a program))).

It is easier to load a train of cars with salt to a technical enterprise or something else. You can swap an old car you bought last year for a new one or go somewhere else.

Not only do programmers sit idle but freeloaders join them, calculate the cost of output, and the contingent of customers, there are only students who have no money, but they scrape together a couple of quid and try to order something, and even pay for drawing up terms of reference, so he generally hangs himself))).

Too early ... These clowns aren't ready for direct doctor's orders yet... ...as soon as they get to the system architect. Although there has been some serious discussion about virtualization :)

1Rakso >>:

здесь же одни студенты ходят

I agree, I noticed this a long time ago. But maybe it makes sense for students not to twiddle their thumbs, but to be as polite and correct as possible.

sand писал(а) >>

This is an interesting question, but as I've already written, a stager is needed for big projects. How many big MQL projects have you personally done? I've done no more than 2 with a total of over a hundred, although there are many more in other fields.

The diagnosis is megalomania. A big project in MQL :))) What circus do you work in?

Risk >>:

А Вот и созревший пациент, диагноз - мания величия. Большой проект на MQL :))) В каком цирке работаете ?

As far as I am concerned boorishness is an integral part of this forum.


As a big specialist in the business of programmers, I would say that the developer of TOR is a low skilled and therefore a cheap resource, which is needed to reduce the cost of the work. Since the use of expensive resource SOFTWARE will reduce the competitiveness of the company.

Why the development of TOR can be more expensive than the development itself - It can be a very long process and hourly rates.

The development of any software is several stages - 1) Idea 2) Business plan 3) Software description 4) ToR development 5) Defense of ToR (with the signature on both sides) 6) Formation of developers team manager 7) Development 8) Testing, handover, etc.

That is, a strict (low-risk) technology of software development, ToR are developed by third parties, and is mandatory protection in the presence of both the customer and the contractor.

That is the purpose of ToR is to reduce the cost and risks.

The developer of TK usually necessarily takes part in delivery of software to the customer.

Actually ToR is a project of house, developed by architect who by the way and looks after construction process.

Look at the forum mql5 there by the way there is an interesting proposal from MQ.


SProgrammer писал(а) >>

As a big specialist in the programming business, I would say that the developer of TOR is a low-skilled and therefore cheap resource, which is needed in order not to reduce the cost of the work. Since the use of expensive resource PROGRAMMER will reduce the competitiveness of the company.

Why the development of TOR can be more expensive than the development itself - It can be a very long process and hourly rates.

The development of any software is several stages - 1) Idea 2) Business plan 3) Software description 4) ToR development 5) Defense of ToR (with the signature on both sides) 6) Formation of developers team manager 7) Development 8) Testing, handover, etc.

That is, a strict (low-risk) technology of software development, ToR are developed by third parties, and is mandatory protection in the presence of both the customer and the contractor.

That is the purpose of ToR is to reduce the cost and risks.

The developer of TK usually necessarily takes part in delivery of software to the customer.

Actually ToR is a project of house, developed by architect who by the way and looks after construction process.

Look at the forum mql5 there by the way there is an interesting proposal from MQ.


Really interesting offer https://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/352