NiKkel >>:

можно даже пояснить так:

смысл ЛЮБОГО бизнеса - получение достаточной с точки зрения участников нормы прибыли на вложенный капитал.

ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНОЕ УСЛОВИЕ - прямо пропорциональное соотношение риск-доходность

форекс (биржевые спекуляции) - ИДЕАЛЬНЫЙ бизнес - не надо строить цеха, покупать оборудование, оформлять лицензии на месторождения, орендовать офисы и т.п.

доходность (потенциальная) - высокая

соответственно - где-то есть подвох

зарабатывают ДАЛЕКО не все

The catch, imho, is in the amount of risk
moskitman >>:

Вы что, прикидываетесь?

Тема топика "ПОЧЕМУ ТРЕЙДЕРЫ СЛИВАЮТ ?", так вот судя по Вашему вопросу ПОТОМУ ЧТО НЕ ПОНИМАЮТ ЭЛЕМЕНТАРНЫХ ОСНОВ и лезут на рынок со своим пятаком.

Why are you so angry?

Let's raise the RTS Index!

There's been a temporary setback
In the Russian stock markets.
The index curve has sagged
(German Gref must be shitting on it).

Liquidity has fallen a bit,
Because Bush is a dumb sheep.
♪ They're pulling their money out ♪
We don't have the money, but we do have the money.

Trying to get their money back,
♪ They're selling papers ♪
♪ and they're raising the volatility ♪
Of metals, stocks and currencies.

Russia's enemies gloat:
"You'll never be a safe haven!"
They want us to scream
They want us to be quiet!

But let these demons remember
That they'll never quiet us down,
For in every point of the RTS
Russian toilers' labour!

They are weathered, shouldered,
And there's no tearing down their hands,
They will come to the rescue quickly
And they'll help the stockbrokers!

Comrade! Hard worker! Brother!
You've got to buy some blue chips
You've got to buy some for yourself!

# You've got to get some cash
¶ And save up on your food ¶
♪ From foreign speculators ♪
You've got to buy a share or two!

Then, if you're an honest worker,
And if Russia is your mother,
You must give the state, free of charge.
You must give the shares to the state.

He knows best how to use them,
To strengthen our defenses,
Because it's a difficult time these days,
"Your enemies are all around you, damn it!

♪ And the stock price will skyrocket ♪
¶ it's a rally in the air ¶
¶ and the index will skyrocket ¶
♪ And it'll go up to a thousand and two ♪

New York will choke on poison
♪ Tokyo's gonna be howling ♪
When our broker gets next to us
With a worker in a centuries-old pair!

NiKkel писал(а) >>

you can even explain it this way:

The point of ANY business is to make a sufficient rate of return on invested capital from the participants' point of view.

A MUST - a directly proportional risk-return ratio

forex (stock speculation) - the IDEAL business - no need to build plants, buy equipment, license deposits, rent offices, etc.

profitability (potential) - high

accordingly, there is a catch somewhere

not everyone makes money

A lot of international business exists and a lot of companies go to the market for currency and they don't care about the difference in price of 2-3 kopecks.....
Tantrik >>:

Много международного бизнеса существует и много компаний обращаються на рынок за валютой и разница в цене 2-3 копейки им фиолетово.....

more than 90% of forex transactions are purely speculative in nature

the forex market is where 2-3 pennies (cents) of difference is the business.

2-3 cents is 200 - 300 pips. right?

200-300 p. - I want that kind of purple)
NiKkel >>:

ты че такой злой?

Have we had a drink somewhere together?



I won't do it again.

NiKkel писал(а) >>

more than 90% of forex transactions are purely speculative in nature

the forex market is where 2-3 pennies (cents) of difference is the business.

2-3 cents is 200 - 300 pips. right?

These 90% are speculations and dozens of trades in one day by one player give a huge turnover....

During business hours, various companies go to the market to buy hard currency to support their business ... Here they can sell to them and buy currency at a profit for both of them. If the Euro was falling on Thursday you didn't buy it? But you bought it anyway...

moskitman >>:

Вы что, прикидываетесь?

Тема топика "ПОЧЕМУ ТРЕЙДЕРЫ СЛИВАЮТ ?", так вот судя по Вашему вопросу ПОТОМУ ЧТО НЕ ПОНИМАЮТ ЭЛЕМЕНТАРНЫХ ОСНОВ и лезут на рынок со своим пятаком.

There's a lot of beer. And since you've abstracted on a coin, you'd like to understand the shoulder :-)))
Tantrik >>:

Эти 90% это спекуляции и десятки сделок в течении одного дня одним игроком дают огромный оборот....

В рабочее время различные компании обращаються на рынок за валютой для обеспечения своего бизнеса... Вот у них и им можно продать купить валюту с выгодой обоим. Если евра падала четверг вы её не покупали? Но всё равно её купили...

a company needs to buy 1,000,000,000 euros. it buys them. after a point in time, the euro exchange rate falls. If she had bought later, she would have bought cheaper and more profitable for herself.