NiKkel писал(а) >>

When you buy the euro for the dollar and in a quantum of time the euro goes down against the dollar, you lose and the seller wins.

You fucking live in the picture. >> you're living in frame-by-frame static. So it went down against the dollar, it went up against oil a little bit. Are you a speculator or euro-dollar? It's more complicated than that.

For example everyone is shouting "Oops! The speculators have dropped the euro." And you believe big business in the eurozone is not benefiting from this, in light of the prospect of a weaker dependence on Russian energy exports? They love it. But you can't say it out loud. What the speculators were told to do, they did.

NiKkel писал(а) >>

why is the total negative?

because .... or just because?

are proverbs an argument?

and anecdotes?

No, not just because...

Because if you and I bet a coin heads or tails for a rouble, you (if you win) get it and I lose.

But, if our deal is concluded through a broker, his share (spreads, commissions, swaps...) eats up the % of your winnings! So you lose by a ruble, and you win by 95 kopecks.

is that a clear enough example?

and you say anecdotes...

moskitman писал(а) >>

no, not just because...

If you and I bet on a rouble, heads or tails, a coin will fall, you (if you win) will get it, and I will lose.

But if our deal is concluded through a broker, then his share (spreads, commissions, swaps...) eats up a % of your winnings! So you lose by a ruble, and you win by 95 kopecks.

is that a clear enough example?

and you say anecdotes...

How does the arm work in this circuit? I bet a rouble. He won 10. What did the broker win?
Trut >>:

Ты, блин как на фото живешь. В покадровой статике. Ну упал он к доллару, к нефти чуть подрос. Ты спекулянт или евро-доллар? Клубок событый сложней.

Например все кричат "Ой! Спекулянты евро уронили." И ты веришь, что большому бизнесу в еврозоне это невыгодно, в свете перспективы ослабления зависимости от экспорта российских энергоносителей? Им это нравится. Но сказать этого вслух нельзя.Что спекулянтам велели, то они и сделали.

feel really live in the picture:

1. what speculators on the forex market? on the forex market are multinational banks. Aren't they big business? and who is bigger in business than them? who told them to? universal conspiracy theory. Who benefits from the fall of the euro - the Europeans? Why did not the americans tell them to stop the euR? they have less money? And why did not the Japanese tell them to stand? Japanese banks are among the largest in the world. This is ridiculous.

2. the theme is why traders are losing money. Because they can't all make money on forex. Forex unlike the stock market is a game with zero or weakly positive gains. And what in your remarks refutes this? It's explained to you on your fingers - one wins, the other is bound to lose

moskitman >>:

нет, не просто потому что...

а потому, что если мы с Вами поспорим на рупь орлом или решкой упадет монета то Вы (в случае выигрыша) его получите, а я проиграю.

но если наша сделка будет заключаться через брокера, то его доля (спреды, комиссии, свопы...) скушает % от вашего выигрыша! таким образом Вы проигрываете по рублю, а выигрываете по 95 коп.

достаточно ясный пример?

а Вы говорите анекдоты...


if it is a zero-win game, then at the expense of the spread and commission - LOW negative winnings


paukas >>:
Не обязательно. Могут заработать оба

NiKkkel wrote(a) >> in what way?

NiKkkel, if you remember the original formulation of the question (one bought from the other), the answer is very simple: one was a medium term and the other a scalper. And both entered correctly: the first just didn't notice the initial move against the 20 pips position, but ended up making 1000 pips, while the second took the same 20 pips.

Mathemat >>:

paukas >>:
Не обязательно. Могут заработать оба

NiKkel писал(а) >> каким образом?

NiKkel, если Вы помните первоначальную постановку вопроса (один купил у другого), то ответ очень прост: один был среднесрочником, а другой скальпером. И оба вошли правильно: первый первоначальное движение против позиции в 20 пунктов просто не заметил, но в итоге сделал 1000 пунктов, а второй взял те самые 20 пунктов.

the market has an n-number of participants, and for a long period of time the outcome is weakly negative for all market participants

since both entered and the price was dynamic over the medium term - there are other market participants besides them

if there are only two, there can be no profit from anywhere. Weak infusion into the market in the form of money issuance by the Central Bank.

in the stock market - a game with a positive outcome due to economic growth in the economy and the injection of money into the market through dividends from companies as a result of growth (if we abstract away from periods of ec recession)

the conclusion is that everyone can't make money in forex. only new ideas can make money in forex. you have to do things differently from everyone else.

you can even explain it this way:

The point of ANY business is to make a sufficient rate of return on invested capital from the participants' point of view.

A MUST - a directly proportional risk-return ratio

forex (stock speculation) - the IDEAL business - no need to build plants, buy equipment, issue licenses for deposits, rent offices, etc.

profitability (potential) - high

accordingly, there is a catch somewhere

not everyone earns a lot

Trut >>:

А как в этой схеме плечо работает? Я ставил рупь. Он выиграл 10. Что выйграл брокер?

Are you playing games?

The topic of the topic is "WHY TRADERS LEAVE?", so judging by your question WHY they don't understand the ELEMENTARY fundamentals and are entering the market with their nickel.