Tantrik писал(а) >>

.... calculate future price....

And there is no need for that.

ps You can play Nastradamus not by fantasising with Fourier and stuff, but by relying on the cause of the process(reality): doing calculations just with the intricacies of the cash flow, where to get the information and how to calculate it is the question, but for that there is Woody's second favourite organ))).

NiKkel писал(а) >>


In the way that the FOREXchange was not created for card players and speculators. It is simply a tool for international cooperation. An exchange office. I sold my grain, but I earned when I received money in a currency that is legitimate to my country. Whoever sold me my country's money may have earned it may have lost it. And it is not a fact that I bought from a speculator. The social role of the speculator is to stabilise the market. If he does not cope with his role, the rules of the game will be changed so that he can cope with it. After all, nobody needs the demo money. Well, DCs and traders under them are just fleas.
NiKkel >>:

если переменная случайна, то для объяснения ее поведения используется аппарат теории вероятности

The randomness of a variable is an assumption, a simplification, a model, etc., etc. This has been mentioned above. All science is built on this.
Trut >>:

Таким, что FORexEXchange создавался не для картежников и спекулянтов. Это просто инструмент международного сотрудничество. Обменный пункт. Я продал зерно, но заработал, когда получил деньги в легитимной для моей страны валюте. Тот кто продал мне деньги моей страны мог заработать мог потерять. И не факт, что я купил у спекулянта. Социальная роль спекулянта в стабилизации рынка. Если он со своей ролью не справляется, то правила игры поменяют так, что начнет справляться. Ведь демо-деньги никому не нужны. Ну а ДЦ и трейдёры при них это просто блохи.

According to iBank studies over 90% of forex transactions are purely speculative in nature, what is the grain?

There are no dealers on the forex market. It's an interbank market. DoCs exist completely separate from the forex: they just receive quotes from them and mix them at their discretion.

Trut >>:

Таким, что FORexEXchange создавался не для картежников и спекулянтов. Это просто инструмент международного сотрудничество. Обменный пункт. Я продал зерно, но заработал, когда получил деньги в легитимной для моей страны валюте. Тот кто продал мне деньги моей страны мог заработать мог потерять. И не факт, что я купил у спекулянта. Социальная роль спекулянта в стабилизации рынка. Если он со своей ролью не справляется, то правила игры поменяют так, что начнет справляться. Ведь демо-деньги никому не нужны. Ну а ДЦ и трейдёры при них это просто блохи.

When you buy the eu for a dollar and the euro falls against the dollar in a quantum of time, you lose and the seller wins. And what is a speculator, do you understand? A speculator is a financial intermediary whose goal is to make a profit. ALL banks, insurance companies, brokers, etc. - speculators.

Do you think that some people in forex are speculators and the rest are honest people?

the game is zero or weakly positive.

NiKkel писал(а) >>

... The brokerage companies exist completely separate from forex. they only get quotes from forex and mix them as they see fit.

I don't argue.

I was making a point about the profit made by both parties in a transaction. And about the fact that freedom in the market also has limits. If there are no limits, then economic contradictions lead to either war or revolution, well, the Gosplan without the exchange. Nothing. We lived. It's better than war.

NiKkel писал(а) >>

When you bought the euro for a dollar and after a quantum of time the euro fell against the dollar, you lost and the seller won. And what is a speculator, do you understand? A speculator is a financial intermediary whose goal is to make a profit. ALL banks, insurance companies, brokers, etc. - speculators.

Do you think that some people in forex are speculators and the rest are honest people?

A zero-sum game or a weakly positive one.

Is it all right for a handicap game to be negative from the start?

There is a saying: "two fools in a market - one buys and another sells".

so when it comes to the market, you can safely add "and only two brokers will laugh at them all the way to the bank"

Trut >>:

Не спорю.

Я высказывался по поводу полученной прибыли обеими сторонами при сделке. И о том, что свобода и на рынке имеет границы. Если ограничений нет, то экономические противоречия приводят либо к войне, либо к революции, ну и к Госплану без биржи. Ничего. Жили. Это лучше чем война.

I do not understand anything - what war?

one sold, the other bought. a second later the price either went up or down. ONE of them wins, SECOND one loses.

how can both of them win?

OK. By some miracle, a steel mill that wants to hedge its risks entered the market. He bought the euro. the euro fell in the next moment. He loses. Had he waited, he would have bought cheaper.

His goal is to make a profit, not just a profit from the sale of goods, but a bottom line profit.

What war? What life without the stock exchange?

Who and when in the 20th century lived without the stock exchange?

moskitman >>:

а ничего, что фора изначально игра с отрицательным итогом???

есть такая поговорка: "на базаре два дурака - один покупает, а другой продает"

так вот применительно к рынку можно смело добавить "и только два брокера будут ржать над ними всю дорогу до банка"

why with a negative outcome?

because .... or just because?

are proverbs an argument?

and anecdotes?

ratnasambhava >>:
Случайность переменной - это допущение, упрощение, модель и тд. и тп. Об этом было сказано выше. Вся наука на этом построена.

I was surprised to learn that all science is based on that.

I thought randomness existed and mathematical statistics and probability theory were built specifically to study it.

You're a radical determinist.

Do you know exactly when and where you'll die?