Why do most traders lose deposits?

Simple question. I ask any trader. The answers are the same: money management, psychology, discipline,
fraud of DCs, etc
. etc.

And let's remove from the pile of reasons: money management, psychology, discipline, brokerage fraud,
errors, poor internet connectivity, power outages, computer crashes, etc.

We will delete it for the reason that it is clear to most of us.
The question is: why is it that most of the traders-programmers cannot understand the price change patterns of
instruments to such an extent that they can make good profits on this for a long time?

A question to all forum members, who have any thoughts on this subject....


It takes time (5 years of training and practice), tremendous work and patience (character). You do not get a ready-made trader in one month of training in dealing, and many do not realise this.

You will pass time, you will get a lot of money and you will be surprised by how much they are worth.

As time passes, you will get educated and only then will you start to understand the market. You have to learn from your own and other people's mistakes.

They have nothing to do with it, they are the excuses of losers: mistakes in programming, bad Internet connection, power outages, computer crashes and so on.

you can go on ............ weather, bad moods, magnetic storms, tides, horoscope ................................................................................

Ja ponimaju vi forex director, i ponimajete zakonamernosti marketa? LOL
Ulterior писал(а) >>
Ja ponimaju vi forex director, i ponimajete zakonamernosti marketa? LOL

Mr. Ulterior , Please write in russian and without humour, to me interestingly your opinion.


Is everyone who understands the market all directors or what? Think about what you say. I, like you, do not control the market, but I do not stupidly follow the crowd.

I think if 95% of the traders are leaking and 5% are making money, they could well be called directors, but unfortunately they are not participating in the conversations here

What do you mean by "losing"? Do they lose the whole deposit or a percentage of it? I have drawdowns of 30-50%, but I don't lose it. I stop for a while, take a closer look and go back to fighting with much lower risks... Of course you do. It is very hard and unacceptable to lose 50%. But if you don't have much experience, you should always have a "stopcock" with you.

Вопрос такойWhy is it that most software traders cannot understand the price change patterns of
instruments to such an extent that they can make good money on it over a long period of time?

Because the price change process is random and has no regularities.

Whoever now wants to proclaim and believes that certain regularities exist and he has found them - obviously, he has already earned millions on them and can now take us for a ride in his own limousine, a yacht, an airplane, that he bought with Forex funds...

So, until you can do that, don't claim that there is a pattern and you have found it.

For the same reason, different bright minds, including this forum, super-duper MQL programmers instead of finding patterns and earning on them themselves - do not do it, and are content with pennies for writing code for those who still hope and believe ...

I have drawdowns of 30-50% <br / translate="no">.

So you don't know the rules, otherwise you'd use them and you wouldn't have had such drawdowns. Consequently you're trading on luck and intuition.

It takes time (training and practice for 5 years), tremendous work and patience (character).

What is it for!? If there is a pattern, you have discovered it and use it. If you haven't discovered the pattern, then you just have to bang your head against the wall for 5 years...

I think if 95% of the traders are losing and 5% are making money

It's a famous story. It's false. There is no 5% who make a real steady, long term profit. In casinos, the 5% also win. The 5%, which earns in period t, all lose in the next period t2. This is not the kind of earnings that we can say it is a regularity and due to a certain pattern.