Finding local highs and lows in price - page 4


You're probably right - not enough experience, I lost enough money on those two heads not to trade them again. And everyone is smart in hindsight, I can comment now too, but the fact is...

sever29 >>:

наверно Вы правы- опыта не хватило, денег я на этих двух головах потерял достаточно, чтоб больше их не торговать. А задним числом все умные, я тож теперь могу комментировать, но факт фактом...

No offence intended. Most likely you were playing on a breakout and on a breakdown the stop should immediately be placed in a BU. And don't forget of course that it could be ABC
sever29 >>:

наверно Вы правы- опыта не хватило, денег я на этих двух головах потерял достаточно, чтоб больше их не торговать. А задним числом все умные, я тож теперь могу комментировать, но факт фактом...

Two-day close above support (graphical criterion): confirmation of the "false H&S" pattern. Target - head height - worked out tic-tac-toe.

Stops may have been knocked out, but they are minimal in relation to the target.

ULAD писал(а) >>

No offense only. Most likely you were playing on the breakout, and on the breakout the stop should be immediately put in a BU. And don't forget of course that it could be ABC

I had a grudge... I had a grudge against myself. I can give many examples of heads with broken necks, but the price returned when the pattern worked out, in all time frames.

Breakeven when? I will not search, but believe me, if I want I can find more than two heads, on which your algorithm of actions in working out of the head will lead to loss.

coaster >>:

Двухдневное закрытие выше поддержки: подтверждение паттерна "ложная H&S". Цель - высота головы - отработала тютелька в тютельку.

After all, you have to consider the effect of FA on the exchange rate, and it can draw a new level in the short term and go backwards. I am amazed that many traders say that they do not pay attention to FAs. That is why the result is the same.
sever29 >>:

обида у меня тогда была... на себя. Примеров с головами у которых пробита линия шеи, но цена при отработке фигуры возвращалась могу привести много и на всех фреймах.

В безубыток когда? через колько? Искать не буду, но поверьте, при желании я могу найти больше двух голов, на которых Ваш алгоритм действий по отработке головы приведет к лоссам.

Finding examples is not a problem, but the approach still needs to be comprehensive. If the break of the neck is true, the price moves away sharply and corrects only to that line.

coaster писал(а) >>

Two-day close above support (graphical criterion): confirmation of the "false H&S" pattern. Target - head height - worked out tic-tac-toe.

Stops may have been knocked out, but they are minimal in relation to the target.

Verono. Did you make any money then?

I'm clever at drawing trend breakdowns on history at 1,2,3.

ULAD писал(а) >>

Finding examples is not a problem, but the approach still needs to be comprehensive. If the breakdown of the neckline is true, price moves away sharply and corrects only to that line.

True breakdowns are only to the left of the price

sever29 >>:

Вероно. Вы тогда заработали?

Я ловко рисую на истории пробои трендовых на 1,2,3.

Only with years of intense observation of price charts comes an understanding of the market and its nature.
sever29 >>:

Истинные пробои только слева от цены

Did we happen to cross paths at poker?