Finding local highs and lows in price - page 2


Vinin, I agree with you. There is no formulation, and not only for "local extremum" either. It does not exist for trend, flat, etc.

True, there is, but all these formulations "do not fill up".

A local extremum (theoretically) is the maximum (minimum) price value at a given period.

My definition is as follows:

A local extremum (in reality) isthe maximum (minimum) value of the price at the present time, after which

it is guaranteed (100%) to be followed by a fall (growth) of at least a certain value.

The definition may not be exact, correct if necessary.

Richie писал(а) >>

A local extremum (in reality) isthe maximum (minimum) value of the price at the moment, after which

(100%) guaranteed to be followed by its falling (rising) by at least a certain value.

Maybe the definition is not precise, correct me if you need to.

Nothing is guaranteed in the real market.

sergeev писал(а) >>

And it seems to me that you should first explain the differences between the history and the real. Then we will talk. >> According to your concepts.

This is a strange question. Nobody seems to have problems with finding extrema on the history, there is a zigzag above and it is enough, and maybe fractals are enough.

Fractals are enough, as Victor said.

PapaYozh wrote >>

Nothing is guaranteed on the real.

Then one should not work.

Richie >>:

Следующая тема, которую мне бы хотелось затронуть - тема нахождения локальных максимумов и минимумов цены.

You've been a little hasty with this topic...

Wait a minute, it's a lot more interesting than it first appears.


Richie, and PapaYozh is correct. The best way to form a definition of a local extremum is to discard the right side of the chart and work only with the left side. So try to formulate such a definition that you will use in these conditions. Don't talk about guarantees. They are on the right and you don't have them.

Mathemat писал(а) >>

Richie, and PapaYozh is correct. The best way to form a definition of a local extremum is to discard the right side of the chart and work only with the left side. So try to formulate such a definition that you will use in these conditions. Don't talk about guarantees. They are on the right and you don't have them.

It's easy to say, discard the right side. Does that mean that the local extremum should not be confirmed? Or what do you mean by that?

Maybe you mean predicting local lows and highs? Simply finding local lows and highs is not the problem. Local means local, define the area - a series of bars among which we need to find the high and the low and find it.
Richie писал(а) >>

Easy to say, discard the right-hand side. Does that mean that the local extremum should not be confirmed? Or what does it mean?

It means that when studying the history and determining whether a bar N is an extremum, you should only see the bars preceding it and not the bars following it.

Richie >>:

Странный вопрос. С нахождением экстремумов на истории кажется проблем ни у кого нет, там вот сверху зигзаг висит и его достаточно, а может

и фракталов хватит, как сказал Виктор

Yes, there is no problem with "history". But what is "real " to you, it seems to me that you give the word a different meaning - according to your notion of "extreme".

PapaYozh, I'm not talking about history, I'm interested in "real", I don't know the subsequent bars on the real.

Integer, you can read L.William, about short, medium and long term highs and lows, however,

but it does not work in practice. His theory is that a short-term high is a high between lower

And that's why it doesn't work without confirmation.