Finding local highs and lows in price - page 9


And how, steadily?

Are you worried about whether I've been eating steadily for the last six years? Am I starving?

Share a hint, where do you look for stability?

? What hints? I've had enough of "getting it out of the bag" - how many times? And you're all "hints"...))


Are you worried about whether I've been eating steadily for the last six years? Am I starving?

? What hints? I've had enough of "getting it out of the bag" - how many times? And you're all "hints"...))

Good for you. But the answer is not constructive.

Denis. I am sick and tired of retelling the same thing in different words (the last time I did it in the same way - I am out of variants)). And, as a rule, if I speak "for the market", I am talking about what allows me to be a stable trader.

If what I have been saying for a year(?) does not satisfy you (or - pardon me - does not come through), then ... I don't even know what... How constructive can it be?

Sorry - I won't repeat myself.


And can you allow for a moment the possibility that I or someone else has not yet read your opuses?)



I'm sick and tired of retelling the same thing in different words (the last few times in the same way - I've run out of options)).

Peter, there is indeed something to be added to what has been said.
And is it stable? Give us a hint, where do we look for stability?

In the dynamism of the process...

In the dynamism of the process...

I like that in advertising.

I will teach you how to make money from currency fluctuations.



Yes... Peter's not telling the truth... although he pretends to explain... when he's not completely sober. :)

Apparently adopted the style of explanation from the Nevetan. :)

business as usual

Well, the usual, then.

))) When I drink, you say? )))))))))) And how do I manage to keep to the norms of Russian language...

Okay. I really don't want to repeat myself. Summarize... Maybe just kind of write a textbook. Or at least an article. I'm more of a sarcastic essay-post kind of guy. They are not inferior in content, but they are scattered around the threads.

I, by virtue of my pig-saurus nature, am not a fucking teacher. And I'm also too lazy to write anything longer than 1/32 p.p. on a rutted topic. But perhaps, not to waste my time and not to offend innocent forum users, I'll get together with some remnants of humanitarian education and humanistic education (oh, I haven't got enough of it left) and - I'll do it.

No promises. As usual.

))) Denis is right: everything is as usual...))