New Year's present - TestCommander lite - page 7

vegetate >>:

И опять не работает. ;(

already working :-)

how vigilant you are, you stop the server for a while and immediately notice :-)

But thanks for the heads up! :-)

The link is broken again! Or is the topic closed?
FxPro2 >>:
Ссылка опять битая! Или все тема закрыта?

The link has been corrected, thank you.
Just started and lo and behold, too bad.

costy_ >>:
Только начал и вот, очень жаль.

Well, correct the values in column 4, it's clearly written "wrong values".

Gentlemen who managed to download the program, please upload it to rapidshare.
Access restored, thank you.
xeon >>:

Ссылка исправлена, спасибо.

The link isn't working again. I just noticed the thread... I want to download the software.

rumata1984 >>:

Ссылка снова не работет. А я тему только заметил... Хочется скачать программу.

just checked, the link works.
Where is the commercial version? And it would be good (even necessary) to include the current loss ( e.g. AccountEquity()-AccountBalance()<.....) in the condition to start optimisation in case the conditions in the optimised parameters deteriorate sharply.