Money management strategies. Martingale. - page 15

Avals >> :

took a look... and are you sure it's not a fit for a piece of history? MM can be fitted as easily as input/output

Of course the fit is MNK.

But the pipe has appeared.

And we test it live without "optimising" the parameters.

sanyooooook >> :

how is that not human? A known lucky gambler. Or am I wrong again?

there is a version of it:

What is the Martingale strategy?

Gaining popularity in the eighteenth century, martingale was discovered by French mathematician Paul Pierre Levy. Originally, the martingale was a variation of the betting style based on "doubling down". Quite interestingly, much of the work on martingale was done by an American mathematician named Joseph Leo Doob, who sought to disprove the possibility of a 100% profitable betting strategy. The mechanics of the system naturally require an initial bet; however, each time the bet loses, the bet is doubled so that, given enough time, one winning trade will cover all previous losses. The introduction of the numbers 0 and 00 on the roulette wheel was done precisely to break down the mechanics of martingale, so that there would be more than two possible outcomes in the game, aside from even-odd or red-black. This led to the fact that the long-term expectation of profit when using martingale in roulette became negative and thus rendered its use useless.

And then there's this banter:

Этимология слова происходит от Martigue, области Прованса на юге Франции, чьи уроженцы застёгивали свои штаны сзади и ввели другие обычаи, отличающиеся от обычаев их соседей, что послужило поводом для постоянных насмешек над ними: a la martingale означает абсурдную манеру поведения.

PapaYozh писал(а) >>
Still - the market is not a process

A process is a change in the states of something. A state is the totality of all the properties of the object in question at a particular point in time. The market is uniquely a process because it creates the movement of capital, which means that its state is constantly changing.

api писал(а) >>

A process is a change in the states of something. A state is the totality of all the properties of the object in question at a particular point in time. The market is clearly a process because it creates the movement of capital, which means that its state is constantly changing.

The movement of capital is a process.

PapaYozh писал(а) >>

The movement of capital is a process.

I hope you are not equating the word "market" with a building where babushkas sell sunflower seeds?

The market is a process of capital movement.

api писал(а) >>

I hope you are not equating the word "market" with a building where babushkas sell sunflower seeds?

A market is just a process of capital movement.

A market is a set of relations and processes between participants.

PapaYozh писал(а) >>

A market is a set of relationships and processes between participants.

Correct. A set of processes is a superprocess. So the market is a superprocess. Well, in the general case: the market is a process.


Need a thread on terms - have already forgotten the topic of the thread!

It's just that the political economy hangout has started.

api писал(а) >>

Correct. A set of processes is a superprocess. So the market is a superprocess. And in general: the market is a process.

And do you suggest we forget about relationships?

Sorento писал(а) >>

have already forgotten the topic of the thread!

It's just that the political economy hangout has started.

Unfortunately, yes. :(