Spread trading in Meta Trader - page 53


Here seems to be another promising tandem - (Intel+Yah00)

Almost (all assumed - 100%) on the history "hedges" - would have closed in profit.

Of course, it's not pipsing on m1, but that's what the "tandem" is good for!

My MACs ratios are 10:15, lots - probably 1:1 (I haven't calculated it yet)

See chart :


Good evening everyone! A question on the subject.

Who-know-who can sensibly, in 2 words explain - what are derivatives?

I read in the search for the 5th reference and can not understand it well.


Derivatives are those instruments whose price depends on other instruments.

For example, a gold futures is a derivative because the price of that futures depends on the spot price of gold.

An option on a meat futures is also a derivative because the price of the option depends on the price of the meat futures. And so on.

From everything I've read I take this concept to be...

Fduch >>:


Например, фьюч на золото - дериватив, т.к. цена на этот фьюч зависит от золота спот.


Из всего прочитанного я так понял это понятие..

Derivatives (precious metals + gold)

rid >>:

Добрый вечер всем! Вопрос в тему.

Кто - ниб. может толково, в 2-х словах объяснить, - что такое деривативы?

Читаю в поиске уже 5-ю ссыль и так и не могу понять толком.

As far as I understand these are the instruments we use to trade futures. we don't buy futures ourselves but a special contract for price differences

Here's an excerpt:

"There is also an approach whereby a derivative instrument can only be regarded as one for which it is intended to yield a return on the price difference and is not intended to be used to deliver a commodity or other underlying asset.''

"Forex futures trading requires a sufficient (by our standards) deposit. For this reason, many people prefer not to trade in currency futures, but in the contract for difference (CFD).

A contract for difference (CFD) is a contract between two parties, the buyer and the seller, specifying that the seller will pay the buyer the difference between the current value of an asset and its value at a time specified in the contract. (If the difference is negative, the opposite is true - the buyer pays the seller.) In the case of currency futures, for example, such a contract is a derivative that allows investors to speculate on the price movements of a currency futures without having to own the underlying (the underlying derivative) futures itself.


rid >>:

Деривативы (на драгметаллы +на золото)

Thanks, to all who replied!

Let's check (for experiment) - how these tools will work - opened positions a minute ago:

Will the precious metals catch up with gold ?

I suggest to all present - in the same way to post entries (from demo it is possible) with charts on various perspective tandems.

rid >>:

По САС тож толком не определился. Могу лишь точно сказать (ещё раз), что дакс:футси=1.2:3 или =1.3 : 3

Derived a formula to calculate the lot, using dax and futsi as examples


it turned out to be about 3, which is close to the empirical value

I did not decide on the APR period (not so important), we can take the averaging period of the spread indicator

rid >>:

Предлагаю всем присутствующим - таким же образом выкладывать входы (с демо можно) с графиками по различным перспективным тандемам.

Canvases with lucrative tandems are disliked by some


Pairing LightSweet oil with gold

That's the "oil painting" I got:

Let's consider not only futures but also currency pairs, and some indukes here too