Spread trading in Meta Trader - page 30

rid >>:

Do you think the Eurobucks will continue to move up on Monday?

Fduch, may I clarify: in your indicator SpreadCharts v2.0 spread is counted by openings or closes? (Not a programmer myself, sorry)
On bar openings
Thank you.

i try to work with the similar principle but only with currencies. i would like to thank the author for his suggestion to use 5-minute-lines for eurusd usdchf 10-20 pips.I also look at the price of lots of eurusd and 1.The author says it works out. I tried it on a demo-it seemed OK. If someone can try to make an EA, test it and see the results. Good luck to everyone.

archive.zip  15 kb

Is the "similar principle" what you described with the help of the tool you posted in the archive?

or something else?

al982 писал(а) >>

"Similar principle" - is that what you described with the help of the inductor you posted in the archive?

or something else?

I just use 6 currencies in different directions, I don't trade with an indicator but I just confirm more favourable entries.

forex-k >>:

Как считаешь евробакс в понедельник продолжит движение вверх?

I assume, (and would like to), - that the Euro/Dollar on Monday will be mainly oriented slightly downwards.

Actually, I trade manually, - using forecasts and analysts' opinions from the Dow info feed (here - as posted yesterday).

rid >>:


P.S. До слез обидно, что не открыл на реале "тандем" по (USDCAD+DX), по своему же собственному прогнозу на предыд. страничке! Ведь хотел же!

Сейчас бы закрыл с изрядным профитом.

By selling USDCAD and buying DX you are buying the Canadian index. You can look at the behaviour of the index with the same CC - its dynamics are no different from other indices. So such a trade in my opinion - would be 50/50.

al982 >>:

Да, денек сегодня был отличный. Кстати rid, еще есть индекс на евро.

Расчет EURX
Текущее значение индекса евро (EURX) – это средний показатель изменения курсов пяти мировых валют (доллара США, британского фунта, японской йены, швейцарского франка и шведской кроны) по отношению к евро.

EURXt=34.38805726 x (USDt)–0,3155 x (GBPt)0, 3056 x (JPYt)– 0.1891 x (CHFt) 0.1113 x (SEKt) 0.0785

Вернее есть две идеи, одна полее менее формализована. выложил одному челу под реализацию, так тот пропал и больше на контакты не выходил (бывают и такие )) ) ... Наверное бабло косит.

Where does it trade? I mean, not a site, but in which DC is the nearest?

I looked in A and B. Couldn't find any. Would be interesting to charge and compare with DX.


"... dough" , - that's for sure ! Wouldn't be missing otherwise !