Spread trading in Meta Trader - page 66


Jahspear писал(а) >>

The councillor is still hanging. Let it hang for a week and I'll see. Please explain the approach in more detail. Because my brain is exploding when I look at the code. The subtlety about the base currency is not coming through.

I have nothing hanging. All six pairs are open at the moment and from time to time they close profit, although sometimes they are in drawdown. If you have something hanging there and not standing like all normal people, then consult a sexopathologist. Or have a look at the terminal log to find out the reason.

Reshetov >>:

Говорун какой нашелся. Хрень какую-то беспардонную несет.

Нормальные люди советника демо испытывают, а не 500 бесполезных советов в форуме сочиняют.

Просто поражаюсь, сколько флудерастов на один несчастный советник накинулось. Может быть надеются, что он их пустозвонства сливать начнет?

Hear that, you fucking fluderast, you fucking hero, son, you put it on the demo for the first day today and you're already full of joy from the 10% ... And someone has been testing it for a month and wanted to tell you what you're doing, and your pride is soaring. I'm not a regular forum user, I just wanted to explain that trading between currencies is not possible (because it's cross trading) and I got a lot of rudeness in response.

In short, everyone is on his own mind. Of course I have met some abnormal "ungrounded" people on this forum, but I have never met an imbecile. (No irony).

neoclassic >>:

В принципе, я думаю можно организовать торговлю спредами и на валютном споте.

Рассчитывать спред между индексами валют, и соответственно играть на сужение спреда, продавая/покупая именно индексы валют. Тут возникнут трудности с большими комиссиями и со сложными лотами, для которых нужен большой депозит.

I'm now thinking about a cluster indicator like Semen Semenych's. Only it would have to be redesigned. Or make it myself. But the problem is that if we can determine in which direction to open for two currencies, it is easier to determine in which direction to open - for one single currency. And the currency indexes included in the cluster can be used as additional signals.

Reshetov >>:

У меня ничего не висит. Все шесть пар на данный момент открыты и время от времени закрывают профит, хотя иногда бывают в просадке. Если у Вас что-то там висит, а не стоит, как у всех нормальных людей, то обратитесь к сексопатологу. Или загляните в журнал терминала, чтобы выяснить причину.

Have I ever been rude to you? I'm testing your advisor, I'm interested, I'm being polite. Why don't you apologize? Okay, I'll try one more time as a human being.

I ran it on EURUSD and GBPUSD. So far it hasn't traded since the beginning of the test, which is as soon as you posted it, for reasons that it finds a trend on one and the other pair. What symbols does it trade on?

And please explain the subtlety of picking pairs.

neoclassic >>:

В принципе, я думаю можно организовать торговлю спредами и на валютном споте.

Рассчитывать спред между индексами валют, и ....

I also did an experiment.

Noticed that the Canadian 6C and the yen 6J are moving in such a way that if there is a big divergence you can try to enter.

Here - see. (lower turkey - spread)-

Jahspear >>:

Я вот сейчас и думаю насчет кластерного индикатора, типа как у Семен Семеныча. Только переделывать его придется. Или самому делать. Но тут проблема в том, что если мы можем определить, в какую сторону открываться по двум валютам,проще определить, в какую сторону открываться - по одной единственной. А индексы валют, входящие в кластер, использовать как дополнительные сигналы.

This is roughly what it would look like: (6E-green, 6A-blue, 6N-red, 6S-acqua, 6C-brown, 6J-purple, 6B-yellow, DX-dark/green)

rid >>:

Примерно так оно будет: (6Е-зел, 6А-голуб, 6N-красн, 6S-аква, 6С-корич, 6J-фиолет, 6B-желт, DX-темно/зел)

Uh-huh. Can you send me an indicator? I'll write my own advisor, but I haven't written any indicators yet.

Reshetov's adviser made the first couple of trades. In profit.

OK, let me explain the idea. Rid, the Canadian and Yen futures are basically USDCAD and USDJPY (inverted). In your picture you should buy USDJPY and sell USDCAD. By doing that, we are in fact buying CADJPY. If the CADJPY is in a flat, then after a drawdown we will close the position in the plus position. If it is trending, and not in the opening direction - we will have an unlimited drawdown. Exactly the fact that 50% probability of profit is on our side inspires some of the searchers in this thread. After a long trade we will have 0-spreads.

Do you get the idea?

The potential strategy is as follows: take Semenych's indicator, build a spread between indices between the same Canadian and Yen. And when trading the spread open NOT on USDCAD/USDJPY, but on a number of pairs with certain ratios included in the index - index trading.

As I have already written there are a number of disadvantages - spreads and fractional lots. I therefore find this approach unpromising as it is possible to trade idex/grain/oil/stock futures at a much lower cost.

Jahspear >>:

Тестирую Ваш советник, интересуюсь, разговариваю вежливо. Может, извинитесь? Ладно, еще раз попытаюсь по-человечески.

Я запустил его на EURUSD и GBPUSD. Пока что он с начала теста, а это как только Вы его выложили, не торгует по причинам, что находит тренд то на одной, то на другой паре. У Вас он стоит на каких инструментах?

I'm going to drop everything and start apologising.

You'd better stop testing the EA and do something more useful.

What kind of pairs - this is a top-secret state secret. But it will only be revealed if you promise not to tell it to anyone else. I'm telling you, it's mostly Chukchi writers who can't read at all. Rinse your eyes well with compote and read carefully my first post on page 62, there is an answer to your secret question.