It's impossible to make money on Forox!!! - page 34

We'll have to call Mathemat without him.
joo >> :

I don't think there's any need to be original. There are some stat parameters in BP.

1. Parameter lala


2. Parameter lalalala


3. parameter lalalalalala


And who will be the first to code a synthetic BP generator, well done, and kudos to him. Thanks to Ilya. :)

The chorus is needed.

Without the chorus, the fitting begins

IlyaA >> :
Well, formulas come later. At least just the names in the beginning. Understand what the author wanted to say :). And then formulas. I agree 100% with Helex. Why are you in such a hurry :) I'm not opposed to generation myself.

How do I know the names of statistical parameters BP, if the statistics are not boom-boom? Not to mention the formulas.

Urain >> :
I'm waiting for someone to come by and ask about weed too :o)

I'd like to understand what the author is saying in general terms. :) (ts) Goblin.
Mischek >> :

The chorus is needed.

Without the chorus, the fitting begins.

Here we go, now joo will say the formulas aren't his he just posted them here...


I would like to understand what the author says in general. :) (ts) Goblin.

It's a tradition on this forum when you're talking about something serious, some joker shows up and asks you what kind of weed you're smoking.

Urain писал(а) >>
We should call Mathemat without him.

(Calling out with a swear word )))) All right, I'm going to bed )))) I'm getting a little tired from all the sleepless nights...

joo >> :

How do I know the names of BP statistical parameters if I'm not a statistician? Not to mention the formulas.

What is a parameter. It is a pattern on the chart that occurs more than once. Examples: number of candles of one colour, fence length, swings, percentage of pullbacks, you can think of a bunch of them in 10 min. By the way, I will calculate them myself. Then we will remove the unpromising ones.
No, really, am I not the only one who doesn't know the stats, but half the forum too?!
Urain >> :

It's a tradition on this forum when you talk about something serious, a joker will show up and interrogate you about the weed you're smoking.

Whatever, man. He wants the weed and we're the happy ones. :)
Urain >> :

Here we go, joo will say he ain't got the formulas, he just put them there...

There was a suggestion to add noise

Categorically against it.

First of all, it's late, I mean, it's nighttime.

Secondly, if we're going to add music, we'd better do it.

We won't involve anyone from the outside.

Let's ask Leonid.