It's impossible to make money on Forox!!! - page 29

paukas >> :

It could have been simpler.

Because it worked.

That's for sure.
I have a strong impression lately that no matter what the topic of the thread is, everyone is talking about something else. Another rubbish thread:(
C-4 писал(а) >>
I've got the impression lately that no matter what the topic of the thread is, everyone's talking about his or her own thing. Another rubbish thread :(

What's it about? :)

vasya_vasya >> :

He earns money from articles and programming.

>> I don't see anything wrong with that. I don't see anything wrong with that. It is the lot of clever and unconventional people to get royalties. It is better for idiots to continue to tear their hair out, work in a factory or a research institute and yell about the impossibility of making money on the financial markets.

paukas >> :

What's it about? :)

Well this is purely a flaming thread, and it's clear. It's just that almost all threads sooner or later descend to the "You're a fool" level, which is frustrating. Everyone is talking about his own, while taking other people's opinions in hostility. No one wants to listen to anything, everyone wants to say their own opinion, and even more, to prove that they are right, no matter what nonsense they are talking about.
C-4 >> :

Well this is purely a flame thread, and it's clear. It's just that almost all threads sooner or later descend to the "You're a fool" level, which is frustrating. Everyone is talking about his own opinion, with a hostile reaction to others. No one wants to listen to anything, they all want to say their opinions, and even more, prove that they are right, regardless of the nonsense they express.

Everyone sees what he wants in the forum, I, for example, have established for myself many issues as verified,

and even more dismissed as nonsense, and all these opinions were forged in arguments.

Avals писал(а) >>

I don't understand what market makers have to do with it. It's about identifying stop concentration levels, which is what any level breakout technique uses. How they found these levels is anyone's guess.

Maybe it's just a concentration of stops, who knows?

But the fact that the market maker's hand was analyzed by the market maker's hand means that the person knows something even experts from Renaissance do not know.

Urain >> :

Everyone sees what they want in the forum, I for example, thanks to the forum I have established for myself many issues as verified,

and dismissed even more as nonsense and all these opinions were forged in debate.

That's the thing, you can't find a good argument here. Everyone only wants to talk about their own thing. No argument works against "you're a fool" or "since you are, why are you so poor" etc. It's not an argument of the smart, it's an argument of the ambitions of fools. I don't personally classify anyone as a fool, no offence taken, but that's just the way it is.
C-4 писал(а) >>

That's the thing, you can't find a good argument here. Everybody wants to talk about their own thing. No argument works against "you're stupid" or "if so why are you so poor" etc. It's not an argument of the smart, it's an argument of the ambitions of fools. I don't personally classify anyone as a fool, no offence taken, but that's just the way it is.

How old are you and where do you study?

C-4 >> :

That's the thing, you can't find good reasoned arguments here. Everybody wants to talk about their own thing. No argument will work against "you are a fool", or "if so why you are so poor" etc. It's not an argument of the smart, it's an argument of the ambitions of fools. I don't personally classify anyone as a fool, no offence taken, but that's just the way it is.

It is true that unjustified and unsubstantiated arguments often arise here,

But I more and more often meet with arguments on these disputes in private or skype,

The moral here is that people not only share ideas but also get to know each other based on common interests.

Hence the moral, people not only share ideas on the forum, but also make friends depending on the commonality of interests,

which is also an honourable role for a forum.

I have three pages of active threads in my PM and 13 friends in skype (not many, but the most trusted).

I have a lot of friends who have their own sites so there is plenty of room to argue in private.