What's all this nonsense about the tab character{t}? - page 4

sergeev , I apologise for being too harsh, I just didn't realise at first that you were talking about monospaced fonts, referring to Label, not Comment.
Don't write nonsense! Doing it through objects is doing it through the arse...
That's right. In MT when rendering Comment you just need to call another WinAPI function.
But, as Mr. Sergeev rightly pointed out, no one will call it for you,
though not for the reasons he listed.
On the other hand, I wonder if you haven't already encountered the fact
that the first 30% of entries are usually missing from the log, and later entries are selectively lost.

1. I understand that at the moment there are no other options apart from the Label. I didn't ask the question "how can I make tabs?", but "why don't the developers implement it in Comment?", but I haven't heard back from them. Instead I got a bunch of suggestions like, "What do you need an orange for? Eat an apple.

2. But in general, I have one more idea about non-monospaced fonts, this applies to Comment and most of the Label fonts. We need to somehow get the width of each character in this font. Then you can easily calculate the number of spaces needed to adjust the columns to the same level. Of course the fit will not be exact, with an error of 1-3 pixels, but that's okay. If anyone has any tips on how to find out the width of the characters, I'd be very grateful. And in general, what font is used in Comment? I suspect Arial, but would like to know specifically.

1. you've been hinted very strongly that you won't be getting an orange. Experienced people, by the way. It's not the case that the developers will drop everything and deal with the stated problem. It is not critical, and MT4 support is almost zero now (except for especially dangerous bugs, which are almost non-existent). Therefore, apple is the most delicious treat in this case. :)

2. Well, I can advise to display a hundred of each character in the line and measure with a ruler (or take a picture of the screen in a file and in a graphical editor, measure in pixels). If you want, go ahead and do it. In principle, it's feasible...

By the way, who prevents a separate window with a grid from the MT?

2. Well, I can advise you to output a hundred of each character in a line and measure it with a ruler (or take a picture of the screen into a file and measure it in pixels in a graphical editor). If you want, go ahead and do it. It's realizable in principle...

Yes, I had a similar idea from the very beginning. But it's kind of long, tedious and not very elegant. Not our method in general :)

By the way, who prevents from making a separate window with grid from MT?

Well, it's possible.

On the other hand, I wonder if you haven't already encountered the fact
that the log usually doesn't contain the first 30% of records and later records are selectively lost
Because of Comment or something?
By the way, who prevents a separate window with a grid from MT?

You're just trying to scare the kids. You don't know how to get a line into a DLL without it jamming on the way, and you're just mocking...! Ehm. :)

Seriously, it's just your kind of problem. Maybe you'll enrich people? It would be a very useful feature.

Especially if it were possible to specify "StayOnTop" in parameters and append it to the open window in the course of the play...


Because of Comment?

No. It's just the way it's done.

You're just trying to scare the kids. You don't know how to write a line into a DLL without it jamming on the way, but you're making fun of me...! Ehm. :)
Seriously, it's your kind of thing. Would you do me a favor? That would be a very useful feature.
Especially if you could also specify in the parameters "StayOnTop" and append it to the open window in the course of the play...

String-dll is a tricky issue, but solvable.
I made a log window for myself. I posted it. Except Vadim no one otpishetsya.
I personally do not need the grid. It is possible to make one.
And in general - an ordinary dialogue with a simple StaticText, or as it -
tab will display!
I made a window with a log for myself. Posted it. Apart from Vadim, no one has responded.

I missed it. Please give me the link.

// I hope it can be hooked up to mql5 too?

The lines of Ansi parameters are supposed to be there...
so you can't do it that way for 5.
It's supposed to be ansi parameter strings...
so you can't do it that way for 5.

That's, um... yes, a bit of a problem. I'll try to fix it without getting out of the µl, but not for sure it will work.

Thanks for the link!

// And maybe you'll make for Unicode version of the DLL? I will be sincerely grateful.