What's all this nonsense about the tab character{t}? - page 2


Raising this topic again, I'd like to ask the developers why you didn't fix this problem with the tab? Do you think it's OK to display a square instead of the tab? Although Rosh said that this is not a bug, but in fact it is a bug. Is it really so hard for you to make tabulation in Comment()? It's in any trivial notepad, and you somehow ignored it. It's really badly needed.


Raising this topic again, I'd like to ask the developers why you didn't fix this problem with the tab? Do you think it's OK to display a square instead of the tab? Although Rosh said that this is not a bug, but in fact it is a bug. Is it really so hard for you to make tabulation in Comment()? It's in any trivial notepad, and you somehow ignored it. It's really very useful.

Do you know many graphical components that display tabs?

Secondly, what prevents you from replacing all \t in the output string with four spaces? If you wanted to...

Tabulation is not difficult to implement, in any desired location.

What prevents you from replacing all \t in the output line with four spaces? If you wanted to...

You don't seem to understand the nature of tabulation.
Tabulation is easy to implement, in any place needed.

So I'm asking the developers to implement it. For them, it's a trivial task.

And if you mean easy to implement on the user side, you're wrong. It would only be easy to do yourself if all the characters had the same width. But in the case of the Comment() function, all characters have different widths. Therefore it is not possible to adjust columns with spaces.


But in the case of Comment(), all characters have different widths. Therefore it is not possible to adjust the columns with spaces.

Have you heard of monospaced fonts?
heard of monospaced fonts ?
Great answer :-) ! Delighted !
Replace the \t in the above example with 4 spaces.
In Comment the characters are not in monospace font.
Comment is a no-go at all :) replace it with objects and that's it.
In Comment the characters are not in monospaced font.

Don't look for problems where there are none. A programmer's head is meant to take advantage of opportunities.

We all are not stupid here and understand that Comment is not a monospaced font. And certainly, if the applicant needs alignment so much, it is done through objects. We can easily create for ourselves the Comment2() function and do whatever we want with the text we pass.

Besides, my question was "are there many graphical components, which display tabulation? Apart from text editors, I can't think of any.


Don't look for problems where there are none. A programmer's head is meant to take advantage of opportunities.

We all are not stupid here and understand that Comment is not a monospaced font. And certainly, if the applicant needs alignment so much, it is done through objects. We can easily create for ourselves the Comment2() function and do whatever we want with the text we pass.

Besides, my question was "are there many graphical components, which display tabulation? Apart from text editors I can't think of any.

Don't write nonsense! Doing it through objects is doing it through the f... You have to create a couple hundred of objects just to display text on the screen, while the special function Comment has been designed to display this text (I emphasize: TEXT, and not separate labels, for which the Label object is meant). Such a pile of objects, besides being inconvenient, will waste resources, especially when Expert Advisor is running on several charts. Therefore, think a little before you give your advices here. In general, I would like to hear a response from the developers. My question was addressed to them.

As for "graphical components", I'm not sure what you mean by that term. Text editors are programs, not graphical components. Another thing is that if the program uses a component that supports multiline output, the tabulation is used there too. For example, the Memo object.