Obtaining a stationary BP from a price BP - page 34

Swetten >> :

What a nightmare...

Don't judge so harshly. The colleagues wanted what was best, but it turned out the same way (C)

grasn писал(а) >>

Don't judge so harshly. My colleagues meant well, but it turned out the same way (C)

I don't think so. I'm not a blonde, but the part about re-soldering multilayer motherboard shook me to the core. :)


Vanity makes a man talkative. (Schopenhauer)


gip >> :
Simulation modelling is a tautology. In other words, the author didn't know Russian when he wrote this nonsense on wikipedia. And you are mindlessly posting here. So there's you Erotic Tree. Does anyone know how to say it in Latin?

Your arrogance will punish you in the future. Simulation modelling is studied by ALL economics-mathematicians in universities from 2nd to 5th year and by ALL applied mathematicians from 4th to 5th year.

Taha's book Operations Research (8 editions), referenced in the Wikipedia article, is $127 used. Chapter 18 is called SIMULATION MODELLING.

This combination of words on amazon gives 9715 books with this method.

AlexEro >> :

Your arrogance will punish you in the future. Simulation modeling is studied by economists-mathematicians in universities from 2nd to 5th year, applied mathematicians from 4th to 5th year.

Taha's book Operations Research (8 editions), linked to in the Wikipedia article, is $127 used. Chapter 18 is called SIMULATION MODELLING.

Well, well. That's what separates "our Russians" from "not ours". They have the right term. And when you write the literal translation "Simulation modelling", you get illiteracy.


thedigital filter is a bubblegum ...


Simulation modelling is a very powerful research tool!

And, like any tool, you need to know how to use it.

It is desirable to see the differences and not to confuse the concepts of "quote flow" and "economic forecasting and design of economic systems".

Just saying...


AlexEro >> :

Yes, about re-soldering multilayer motherboards. Tell us, colleague, how do you re-solder the case dip in a multilayer motherboard? What tool do you use? What method?

gip >> :

Yes, on the subject of re-soldering multilayer motherboards. Tell me, colleague, how do you re-solder in a multilayer motherboard dip case?

With a $2000-3000 soldering station, with special nozzles and dot temperature controller. Special solder. For example, good solder in Ukraine is imported by only ONE company.

Wait a minute, you do not believe me? That I was a chef engineer of the Muromican firm? What the hell difference does it make if I was or wasn't? Well, maybe you'll be a chef engineer at some firm.

You have... cruelly... insulted ((C) "Hello I'm your aunt").



Swetten >> :

No, I'm not. I'm not a blonde, but I was shocked by the re-soldering of the multilayer motherboard. :)

Oh, you mean that:

Knowledge of accounting and simulation methods has no effect on a person's ability to re-solder multilayer motherboards, but rather makes life more diverse and interesting

I can constructively argue that a little bit of that isn't really what makes life more varied and constructive. Although, I built my first computer (I think it was called RK-70) by myself, wielding a pioneer soldering iron...