Obtaining a stationary BP from a price BP - page 37

Sorento >> :
And to a theme of a topik ( about stationarity ) in general your soldering irons as to me - so it is my pioneer horn!

What about the topic? It's clear! One half argues that stationarity does not exist and the other half uses it, that's the whole topic. And the fact that the stationarity criteria are met is irrelevant.

I wanted to get the girl's attention, but... I didn't manage to do it with a "soldering iron" :o(.

grasn >> :

What about the topic? It's clear! One half argues that stationarity does not exist and the other half uses it, that's the whole topic. And the fact that the criteria for stationarity are met is irrelevant.

Yeah. But everybody trades. They get out of it somehow...)))

"There is no motion, said the wise man. // The other one was silent and began to walk before him." (Pushkin).

Svinozavr >> :

But everyone trades. Getting out of it somehow...)))

With expression and feeling, stretching the words a little: but how do they do it.... :о)

grasn >> :

And the fact that the stationarity criteria are met is irrelevant.

What are we talking about?

Svinozavr >> :

Yeah. But everybody sells. They get out of it somehow...)))

"There is no movement, said the wise man. // The other one said no, and walked before him." (Pushkin)

Short goatee... I don't walk much.

And stationarity is sought in the leftovers.

I don't think it's very objective to attack AlexEro, he was asked about how to solder boards, he told us about it in pictures, he told us a little bit about himself, and what's wrong with that? I don't give a fuck if someone has a patent or a degree or something. I personally do not care, what is important is that we are who we are, which is a medical fact,
Sorento >> :

The beard is short... I don't go much.

And I look for stationary in the leftovers.

We will judge the adequacy of the beard model by the stationarity of the residuals of meaning in your posts. Agreed.

HideYourRichess >> :

What are we talking about?

Soulful us, read wikipedia's ho wikipedia about stationarity. MOD . SCR is not a military term.


HideYourRichess >> :

>> what are we talking about?

About my conversion. How it works in general I'm posting on the next thread (prediction from 100 to 500 M15 counts). I'm debugging it for now.

Sorento >> :

Soulful us, read wikipedia's ho wikipedia about stationarity. MOD . SCR is not a military term.


I will, and then I'll tell you more about it. In short and succinct terms.