And there is not much of a way out of the crisis.


Not to be seen, although the news says otherwise.

Here I am sitting here in the Canaries :), and I see terribly sad faces on the locals - no tourists... And very sad.

So the way out of the crisis is more likely wishful thinking. We need to take this into account.

Don't look at the locals, look at the tourists.

Tourists are a peculiar contingent

Analysis is difficult. But the reflective mood of locals, who depend on tourists here, makes it easier.

Construction sites are frozen. New apartments are not sold out.

SProgrammer >> :

Tourists are a peculiar contingent

Analysis is difficult. But the reflective mood of locals, who depend on tourists here, makes it easier.

Construction sites are frozen. New apartments are not sold out.

Prices have fallen?


Down but not down. I'd say so. But property prices are subject to the law of catastrophe. They will hold on until they go bankrupt.

Here's an example. Old price 100,000, new price 80.

SProgrammer >> :

Down but not down. I'd say so. But property prices are subject to the law of catastrophe. They will hold on until they go bankrupt.

Here's an example. Old price 100,000, new price 80.

In Reunion, too, they're down about 20%.


Everyone is skiing. Fuck that radiation. Sport is the health of a nation (race).


What are you talking about, Mr Helich?

Everyone skis, so what? :)

I mean, don't speak for everybody. You have to try tourism in the Canary Islands to be able to say that the choice is definitely in favour of skiing.

I personally prefer to live here in winter. And you :)))



And that's cool how the topicstarter DISTANTED himself.

He's on the bunker, burning real estate, and we have to use the indies?

Niroba fantasy