The rant about quitting your day job... - page 5

Mathemat >> :

Andrei, it's not that simple.

4 months of trading "manually" is not experience at all, it's just your honeymoon. You haven't even started reinventing yourself to trade manually yet. There are temptations and a series of failures ahead that you don't seem to have faced in those 4 months. Very experienced traders who have been trading on the real account for years have also fallen into such traps.

You have to have a considerable "cushion" (several tens of kilobucks) to survive this period of psyche alteration and to learn something.

This is probably the most important argument.

It is better to focus on creating a bot. You are an engineer, you are no stranger to mathematics. But this way has other problems. For example, proving the workability, i.e. the robustness of the bot. People have been looking for such bots for years, trying many different variants and some do find them. But the percentage of these people is extremely small, a fraction of a percent of all those who search. And the rest either fail, or try to break-even / break-even.

Well, in general, if you feel that it is yours and for life - start slowly re-shaping (or create a bot). But it is better to quit after you have a "safety cushion".

My experience on the real market is extremely small - 3 months. I lost an amount close to your monthly earnings. But I`ve understood then that I won`t go to the real account until I`ll create a bot I`ll be sure of.

Hi, I agree with you :)

registred >>: I wish it were your way... By the way, have you tested EAs in Metatrader? I had and still have a problem. I have not understood the reason yet, but there is something wrong with quotes there. I have written my tester and used the same quotes and got quite different results on the same history with the same parameters.

There may be many reasons for the discrepancy. But first of all it is better to look for an error in the self-made tester.

2 BARS: Hi Michael.

Mathemat >> :

There may be many reasons for the discrepancy. But first of all, it's better to look for an error in a self-made tester.

That's the thing, I took my homemade tester apart in the first place, but there's no error there. Decided to use it. It's just interesting to understand, why testing the same strings, but in mql, not c++ results in anything.


You should not quit your job under any circumstances. What 4 months of trading is like... just a little bit of fun. And the job is good, the pay is decent, especially for the time of crisis, and what will happen to forex is still a matter of willow... I am looking for an opportunity to combine work with trading. If you have no money, you should use your time and develop your TS, at work you can make transactions using mobile platform. If you are an executive, you should be able to find a couple of minutes for making a deal. You have to use your trading robot to analyze mistakes. You have to do your best to combine work and trading. I'm sure they say it's stupid to leave a good job with a decent salary for the sake of an unknown future. If you were sure you had a time-tested, working stable TS, then yes, you can quit your job. If you trade for 4 months and quit with a salary of $ 3000 I think this is stupid. Also... no demos. I'm convinced demo trading is evil. I'm convinced that demo trading is evil. The demo relaxes... does not give you the slightest idea about real trading. The demo is all in school, beautiful and easy. In general, the demo in the trash. If you have a salary of 3000 then zavet yourself a real microschet at a couple of hundred quid. This will be more interesting and useful in any way ... than a meaningless demo to race.


If work interferes with trading, move to a larger TF,

If your work interferes with trading, move to a larger TF, so you come in, take an hour, read analytics, make a decision and that's it until tomorrow,

I think one deal a week for 500 points is good too, so you don't have to give up anything.

Mathemat писал(а) >>

Andrei, it's not that simple.

4 months of "principally manual" trading is not experience at all, it's still your honeymoon period. You haven't even started to reinvent yourself to trade manually yet. There are temptations and a series of failures ahead that you don't seem to have faced in those 4 months. Very experienced traders who have been trading on the real account for years have also fallen into such traps.

You have to have a considerable "cushion" (several tens of kilobucks) to survive this period of psyche alteration and to learn something.

This is probably the most important argument.

But it is better to focus on creating a bot. You are an engineer, mathematics is not alien to you. But this way has other problems. For example, proving the serviceability, i.e. robustness of the bot. Such bots people search for years, trying a lot of different variants and some still find them. But the percentage of these people is extremely small, a fraction of a percent of all those who search. And the rest either just quit, or work around no profit/no loss.

Well, in general, if you feel that it is yours and for life - start slowly re-shift (or create a bot). But it's better to quit after you have a "safety cushion".

My experience on the real market is extremely small - 3 months. I lost an amount close to your monthly earnings. But then I realized that I wouldn't go for real money until I created a bot I was confident in.

>> I'm all for that.

For a proper representation of the boundaries of the issue, see this: (leftmost boundary:) (rightmost boundary)


And here's another link from a commentary on this article that talks about this topic.

Mathemat писал(а) >>

And here's another link from a comment on this article that talks about this topic.


I don't want to take the branch aside.

(I'm not familiar with the works of Miroslav Popov, but we had a little argument about Yuri Reshetov's methods of market forecasting two years ago :)

Here is more about Simons


I am also in your position, but in the market (4-5 years/2 reals) and this issue met more than once, at first everything was fine, but to date I have lost ~7-8k$.

As an option, you can not quit your job but combine one with the other and study in your spare time, the financial industry also needs engineers/programmers.

I did so and now I have been working for Reuters for 4 years, now it has become more interesting, I have gained experience and it is possible to move further.

Look at many Russian investment companies like Renaissance, Alfa, the same Metakvots, many others.

If you want to work, you have to have something to live on for a year or two and money to invest, and this profit should be enough.

kernelmd >> :

Alternatively, you could combine one job with the other and study in your spare time; the financial sector also needs engineers/programmers.

I did and now I've been working for Reuters for 4 years, now it's more interesting, I gained experience and it's possible to go further.

What do you write for Reuters?

What programs?