The rant about quitting your day job... - page 3

PapaYozh >> :

Is that sarcasm?

The man is probably tired of working in the middle of shit.

I think there are dozens of such messages a day from the moderators.

And they probably don't decide when or what to put into orbit.

I'm not talking about "third forces," the fuss here inside the Garden Circle.


I quit my job.

At the same time I was investing in PFs.

There was a crisis, which could have affected my job as well. I wouldn't have done that if I'd had a job,

because I was working hard for myself around the clock. Yesterday was the first time I turned off the computer when I went to bed.

I should have four years' worth of money left over. And that's assuming there's no illusion. And that in four years there should be a meaningful amount of money

on which you can trade. All in all, you have to screw everybody every day for 4 years. I've even created a system that has been showing profit in the forward test for 2 years,

public with a code. A little persistence, a little police, a little gangsters, a little investors.

The biggest problem has turned out to be the people close to you. You must have them used to the good life. $100K will cost you forex,

that's four years without working. Kind of like studying at an institute. If you are lucky, without experience you will stumble somewhere. You can't see the horizon now and everyone will tell you,

"It's no big deal. I can do it in a year, tops. That's what I thought. Yeah, I quit my job three years ago. When I was working, I asked myself, "What am I better than anyone else..,

if I want more?"

That's just it, incentive is good, and there's no time to make money at work :)
I don't hope for freebies, I've been a hard worker all my life... I'm sick of it... :(
Yes I've had seven years on my last uncle....
Tempting, but we are civilised people :)))))
I'm not quite good at quoting :) so far in chronological order

I`ve been working with a trader =), he`ve been trading for the second month (for the second month before he had no idea about trading), his depo is climbing up every day, his leverage is 1:1 and he is trading 40% a month and more - his balance is enough to last a couple of years.

I think I can easily quit my job in this situation ;)

jartmailru >> :

And what is your profession, comrade? In other words, what's your job?

jartmailru >> :

And what is your specialty, comrade? In other words - what do you do for a living?

I've got the quotes, they do not open in a new window :(

>>))) where only I worked, and as a programmer, and on Helpdesk, the telecommunicator, the last place I head a small team of engineers, we are engaged not small volume of the equipment, and on geography not weak, half of Siberia approximately :)

Svinozavr >> :

Five years of "free floating". Before that I traded not much less. But it's all on the stock market (pigeonholes and futures) - forex is not particularly interesting for me on its own. The platform is attractive.

To advise you anything would be the height of irresponsibility. Everyone is different. For some 4 years is not enough, for others 4 months is enough. I haven't met the latter, though. But I haven't met any of them - all of them.

Still, if I were you, I would formalise the trading method and make a robot - this will give you the opportunity to a) not quit a good job and b) objectively evaluate your method.

But the decision, of course, is up to you. One piece of advice, don't listen to advice.

The robot will be, I'm just still getting into the essence of trading, there are already plenty of ideas, just as a newbie I don't believe myself yet and I'm listening more.