The rant about quitting your day job... - page 2

The answer to the question lies in the question itself... if the question arises, the answer is obvious.
In my experience, until there is a decent income from forex (and decent is an elastic term, even in the regions of Russia), you don't have to quit your job. Otherwise it will be very hard. For me, the income from Forex should be such, that would quit your job: the average salary for the year + 20% on top. And such an income for at least a year. Or even better 2 years. Then you can leave everything, tell your boss to shit on the table and tell him to fuck off when you meet him )))

Other people's experience is of little help in these matters. But if your experience in the financial markets is only 4 months, and the work is good, it is at least too early to change your mind.

ChachaGames >> :
Somebody tell me what do I think about leaving my job and to do trading. Work like a prestigious, S$3000 not bad, the company is solid, one of the "blue chips" but tired, sick of working "Uncle", like already vyrobatsya in trade, the system was own, not the fact that the unique, but profitable :) not a fool like myself, I understand that I can earn wits a lot ... a lot... but I have my doubts... My experience at the exchange market for ~ 4 months, and I was not playing roulette, all this time I was trying to understand and learn... I understand that the "rabbit hole" is very deep and this is only more interesting... Any advice you can give... I would be especially glad to get advice from those who have gone through similar experiences.

And what is your speciality, comrade? In other words, what do you do?


Five years of "free floating". Before that I traded not much less. But it's all on the stock market (pigeonholes and futures) - forex is not particularly interesting for me on its own. The platform is attractive.

To advise you anything would be the height of irresponsibility. Everyone is different. For some 4 years is not enough, for others 4 months is enough. I haven't met the latter, though. But I haven't met any of them - all of them.

Still, if I were you, I would formalise the trading method and make a robot - this will give you the opportunity to a) not quit a good job and b) objectively evaluate your method.

But the decision, of course, is up to you. There is one piece of advice - don't listen to advice.


I'll give you my five cents.

1. Working on the forex market is just like working for your uncle. Only here you are working for yourself. It's like some doctors or lawyers set up a private practice...

2. If you want to make money and mind your own business, set up your own automated business where you don't have to work yourself. In the beginning you have to spend some time and money, but then, with a competent organization, you will get a source of passive income.

3- There is an option "the wolves have eaten and the fat": develop a medium-term trading system that will take you, say, 15 minutes a day. In this case you can easily combine trading on forex with work, and without excessive risk to wait for steady forex results.

If you have 5-7 years of experience in this job and it is not medicine, you have capital that allows you to live on low-risk investment income, then you can do anything. However, 4 months of experience in the stock market is not enough to jump in headfirst. The best advice is not to listen to advice.
Major Dymovsky also seems to have decided to make money on forex
sever29 писал(а) >>
Major Dymovsky must have decided to make a fortune, too.

Is that sarcasm?

The man might be tired of working amongst the shit.

Perhaps... Maybe the author of this thread has the same motivation. I left for the same reason, my psyche couldn't take the abuse, but if there was anywhere else, I would have left sooner.