How strong movements are born - page 8

bank >> :

What "that" period?

>> it's a period that's been dragging on to this day.

You scum! You don't know what fascism is!

forex-k >> :

You scum! You don't know what fascism is!

looks like the birth of a strong movement :-)

VictorArt >> :

Everything is what? Point by point.

If you mean the impossibility of predicting direction, then look at the statistics - most traders are losing.

Consequently, most traders do not know a statistically reliable method of predicting direction.

As I wrote above: "According to our tests it is impossible to predict the direction". Of course, we are talking about time periods of at least several years. On shorter periods, the direction is just randomly guessed :)

I.e. I am not aware of any such method either.

If you know a method for predicting direction - let's discuss it.

If you mean inertia, I won't argue about it - I don't care about other people's delusions.

In other words, if you believe that price has inertia, then prove it and maybe I will agree with you.

In the meantime, I tend to believe that big capital intentionally creates the illusion of price movement so that various small things, "by inertia" try to follow the movement - this habit is from birth in every human - because all surrounding objects move by inertia, so this model is easily transferable to any other movement, even illusory (which is only in our heads, not in the real world).

Victor, I have long noticed that all your knowledge of mathematics, physics, TAU and other technical disciplines, surprisingly fits into the framework of articles from wikipedia. That's enough to discuss those very papers, but certainly not enough to build adequate mathematical models, and certainly not to propose general theories.

zy. Try to look at the so-called OTT from the outside...

forex-k >> :

You scum! You don't know what fascism is!

You little brat, before you yap, study at least superficially the subject of the argument.

Judaism, Judaism

Sources of law (halakha) in modern Orthodox Judaism: the Tanach (Written Torah) and the Talmud (Oral Torah). The halakha includes areas of Jewish life regulated by criminal, civil, family, corporate and common law.


Traditional Jewish Law, Jewish law, the totality of Jewish laws and regulations that govern the religious, family and social life of Jewish believers. The Torah, the Talmud, and later rabbinic literature.


Torah is commonly referred to as the Mosaic Pentateuch (Greek πεντάτευχος) or the Books of Moses - the first five books of the Bible (both the Jewish Tanach and the Christian Old Testament), e.g. "This is the Law (Torah), which Moses offered to the children of Israel" (Deut.4:44) or "The Law (Torah) Moses gave us, the heritage of Jacob's community" (Deut.33:4).

Occupation 101

Overview: The seven-festival winning documentary "Occupation 101" exposes the deeply ignored facts about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the making of one country through the destruction of another. "Occupation 101" exposes the lies and myths replicated in the media about the situation in the region. The film shows that neither Jews nor Palestinians as individuals are to blame for nearly a century of confrontation. The reason for all that has happened and is happening in the lands of Palestine is the progenitor movement of fascism - Zionism. Why for almost four years now no one in Russia knows about this documentary? An interesting question. This film is NOT against Jews and NOT against Arabs. This film is against Zionism and its terrible consequences.

The aims and deeds of Zionists

avtomat >> :

Victor, I have long noticed that all your knowledge in mathematics, physics, TAU and other technical disciplines is surprisingly confined to articles from wikipedia. That's enough to discuss those very papers, but certainly not enough to build adequate mathematical models, and certainly not to propose general theories.

Zy. Try to look at the so-called OTT from the outside...

Apart from general words and "ponces", I haven't heard anything more from you and even less seen any practical results obtained by you, either positive or negative.

However, you diligently use any excuse to "proclone" my knowledge.

>> what conclusion can you draw from that? :)

For example, that you are just an ordinary illiterate PR person working for the forex industry, sitting in some little "forex kitchen", promoting pseudoscientific trading theories with a pompously clever look.

If I'm wrong, then state in your profile who you are, where you're from and where you work - I'd be much happier talking to a real person, not some anonymous ponto-clone - I respect real people who have their point of view, even if it doesn't coincide with mine.

bank >> :

You little brat, before you yap, study at least superficially the subject of the argument.

Judaism, Judaism

Sources of law (halakha) in modern Orthodox Judaism: the Tanach (Written Torah) and the Talmud (Oral Torah). The halakha includes areas of Jewish life regulated by criminal, civil, family, corporate and common law.


Traditional Jewish Law, Jewish law, the totality of Jewish laws and regulations that govern the religious, family and social life of Jewish believers. The Torah, the Talmud, and later rabbinic literature.


Torah is commonly referred to as the Pentateuch of Moses (Greek πεντάτευχος) or the Books of Moses - the first five books of the Bible (both the Jewish Tanach and the Christian Old Testament), e.g. "This is the Law (Torah), which Moses offered to the children of Israel" (Deut.4:44), or "The Law (Torah) Moses gave us, the heritage of Jacob's community" (Deut.33:4).

Occupation 101

Overview: The seven-festival winning documentary "Occupation 101" exposes the deeply ignored facts about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the making of one country through the destruction of another. "Occupation 101" exposes the lies and myths replicated in the media about the situation in the region. The film shows that neither Jews nor Palestinians as individuals are to blame for nearly a century of confrontation. The reason for all that has happened and is happening in the lands of Palestine is the progenitor movement of fascism - Zionism. Why for almost four years now no one in Russia knows about this documentary? An interesting question. This film is NOT against Jews and NOT against Arabs. This film is against Zionism and its terrible consequences.

The aims and deeds of the Zionists

Zionism (Hebrew צִיּוֹנוּת, cyonut - from the name of Mount Zion in Jerusalem) is a Jewish national movement whose goal is the unification and revival of the Jewish people in its historical homeland, Israel (Eretz Israel), as well as the ideological concept on which the movement is based. [1][2]

The ideology of Zionism combines various movements from left-wing socialist to orthodox-religious in its orientation. Before World War II (see Holocaust), Zionism was one of the largest social and political movements of the Jewish people (along with the Bund workers' movement for cultural autonomy and territorialism). After the Holocaust it was virtually the only one.


This film and any other is a subjective opinion of upstarts!

Date of issue: 1973 Country: USSR Genre : PropagandaDuration: 01:28:16

Director: B. Karpov

Overview: Soviet Union, Central Red Banner and Lenin Order Documentary Film Studio, Moscow. The film was made in the early '70s on the instructions of the Political Bureau of the CPSU Central Committee with the assistance of the KGB.

The film used film footage from the USSR Gosfilmofond, the State Archive of Film and Photo Documents of the USSR, Central Television and foreign newsreels. Despite the fact that
the film was commissioned by the CPSU Central Committee, it was never shown on television or in public distribution.

VictorArt >> :

Apart from general words and "ponces", I have not heard anything more from you and even more so I have not seen any practical results obtained by you, either positive or negative.

However, you diligently use any excuse to "proclone" my knowledge.

What conclusion can we draw from this? :)

For example, that you are just an ordinary illiterate PR person working for the forex industry, sitting in some little "forex kitchen", promoting pseudoscientific trading theories with a pompously clever look.

If I'm wrong, then state in your profile who you are, where you're from and where you work - I'd be much happier talking to a real person, not some anonymous ponto-clone - I have respect for real people who have their own point of view, even if it doesn't coincide with mine.

Here you are offended, and for nothing...

I'll say it again:

Try to take a critical look at your so-called OTT.

Imagine for a moment that someone would be peddling a similar "theory" to you.

What would you call such a "theorist"?


neoclassic >> :

looks like the beginnings of a strong movement :-)



forex-k >> :

you hear, schoolboy... I'm not going to tell you any more... go learn your lessons

I'll just throw in a couple of lectures and a video clip

Efimov V.A. Who controls us? A lecture in UFSB of St.-Petersburg ( 2004 ) TVRip


avtomat >> :

Now you're offended, and for nothing...

I'll say it again:

Try to take a critical look at your so-called OTT.

Imagine for a moment that someone was peddling a similar "theory" to you.

What would you call such a "theorist"?


No, I wasn't offended.

Why would I be offended by a ponto clone?

I've just studied the stock market industry pretty well and have a good idea where anonymous forum nicknames come from, trying to "bend" anyone on anything - just to pick on them.

Otherwise, I do not "sell" anything or anyone, but engage in civilized business.

For example, I began to discuss a topic of interest here, but the ponto-clones got here as well :)

In general, you're in my ignore list - don't try to litter about inappropriately anymore.