How strong movements are born


I have always wondered how strong price movements come about. How it happens, what is the mechanism. Here is one of my observations. As you can see in the figure: you can see not only the beginning of a movement and its direction, but also future support and resistance lines.


Post your collections and observations on this topic.


You might want to step away from the monitor just in case...

It's going to hit you

and then you'll be like, "Oh, my God, what have I done?"

The Collider is alive!
The animation in the gif would be beautiful
Mischek писал(а) >>
>> a gif animation would be nice

>> Can you do it?

Yes the real passage of black on the edge of a glowing nebula. Is it fractals with bifurcation? (if it's not a secret)
It's a fairy tale )) I'd hang myself with pictures like that on my monitor ))
DC2008 >> :

Can you do it?

I'll give you my email address

Just send it there.

Take the screenshot with a mt-machine.

File names must be in chronological order.

>> the discreteness is up to you, better more often than in the branch.

IlyaA писал(а) >>
Are they bifurcation fractals? (if it's not a secret).

Was doing research on market frequency emission in order to synchronise mts with it, and then decided to visualise it. The result was a DCMV emission (DCMV is one of my indicators). Similar emissions can be plotted from any indicator.


Mischek писал(а) >>

Take the srips off with the mt

#property show_inputs

extern int ЖдатьМинут = 5;
extern int Ширина = 300;
extern int Высота = 200;
extern int Масштаб = 0;

int start()
      WindowScreenShot(Symbol() + Period() + TimeCurrent() + ".gif", Ширина, Высота, -1, Масштаб);
      Sleep( ЖдатьМинут*60000);

Beautiful. Old man Hubble is at rest. I guess if you meditate, you can get into the resonance of the forex information field and chop, chop, chop...

Really - impressive.