QUIK + MetaTrader - is this theoretically possible? - page 8

jartmailru >> :

Mouth on your legs! Roll your sausages down Spasskaya! :-)

Go do some kerning in your Chinese code.

I suggest you go over to neurobe's and have a chat there. That's if you want to continue in the same vein. :)

No, put your thoughts out there. Just make it clear. I've outlined my vision on page 7, you can criticise me.

I promise I won't laugh. :)

HideYourRichess писал(а) >>

Actually no, your reply was addressed to Svinozav.

And stop correcting your posts retroactively.

1. Yes. And exactly that I also did not rule (till now and forever can be seen on the previous page) And cited a quote of the topikaster as the only complete thought and correctly formulated question. (And without mentioning the tester!!!).

2. I "crossed out" my text, when I saw that you had answered "the same"(I can't choose a correct word form :) - I am a sinner). Moreover, after it was you who wrote it backwards.

3. The last line of the post to which I am responding, it was you who wrote it retroactively.

The author of the thread got a report on his question, now it's OK to "postulate".

As for "stop it" - I'm afraid you're not the decider.

Come in, dear comrade. Beer, for union members only.
Svinozavr писал(а) >>
Cyclicality of surveys doesn't roll. The initiative to add to the history file and generate the tick should belong to the quote provider - Quickquotes. Of course, MT is offline. However, I've already written all this.

I should say straight away that I am not taking anything specifically from Quick - I don't need it yet.

You are absolutely right. But I wondered if there should be many different quote providers for mt4. I personally decided that it is easier for ME to have a kind of quotation processingcentre, (comma) quotation delivery centre.

In the end it was easier for ME to write some (I don't remember what is the smart coders word) "programs" (so they won't stick to dll letters) for writing quotes into sql base AND programs to "transmit quotes" from base to other programs (and DDE - NSDT and refresh and just text files for especially "dumb recipients").

Crooked?Probably. Delays? Probably. (Even distortions can be - the recipient has no time to process the 'stream' - DDE+NSDT) But I'm more inclined to listen to my deposit.


Corrected. Typos in 'cent' replaced by 'centre', in 'naive' replaced by 'probably', 'ANDprogram' replaced by 'and programs' as more appropriate to MY realities. :)

Added (contrary to the "do not correct" order). "several (can't remember what the coders' clever word is called)" I remembered - "intermordium" :)

Added (contrary to the "do not correct" order) Thought I should have replaced "many different quote providers" with "many different information providers".

Corrected. "Block corrected".


So it's not that simple. Writing to history must be a separate process, not tied to MT processing. There's no way to do it other than with dll. Otherwise there will be gaps in the history with all that it implies.


Anyway, moped is not mine. And not even the ad. I'm just thinking about it for now.

Svinozavr >> :

So it's not that simple. Writing to history must be a separate process, not tied to MT processing. The only way is via dll. Otherwise there will be gaps in history with all that this implies. {...}

Someone has to add a piece of data to a specific history file.

And then send two messages to the right window (offline graph).

It does not matter whether it is Exe or Dll.

Why do you think it has to be done with Dll?

jartmailru >> :

Someone has to add a piece of data to a specific history file.

And then send two messages to the right window (offline graph).

Whether it is Exe or Dll, it does not matter at all.

Why do you think it should be done with Dll?

I agree. Not the point. The point is external control - just underlined that it is not executable code in MT as far as history recording is concerned.

Svinozavr писал(а) >>

I agree. Not the point. The point is external control - just underlined that it's not executable code in MT as far as history recording is concerned.

Couldn't resist responding.

Not really (pure picking on "intonation"). If someone can save quotes in an external file, but can't/won't encode "in high-level languages", then he can write an infinite "period_converter" that reads this quote file (here the options are always/at change) and writes/updates an offline chart. And if the strategy is based on analysis of a closed bar only, then ... there are many variants of "internal management".

Yes. The correct one is probably "externally managed", but ... there's always a way out (even if it's through a crematorium chimney).

SergNF >> :

Couldn't resist replying.

Not really (pure picking on "intonation"). If someone can save quotes in an external file, but cannot/will not encode "in high-level languages", then he can write an infinite "period_converter", which reads this quote file (here the options are always/at changes) and writes/updates an offline chart. And if the strategy is based on analysis of a closed bar only, then ... there are many variants of "internal management".

Yes. It is probably more correct to use "external control", but ... there is always a way out (even if it's through a crematorium chimney)

))) Crematorium. "Smoke in the sky, smoke on the ground. Instead of people - machines...." (Crematorium "Garbage Wind") More appropriate, of course, "instead of people - experts")))

>> Okay. It's been two days without a break - finalising the strategy. It's a strange thing - the creative process. Focusing on one thing, a solution comes up on a completely different topic. So this subtext served as a kind of catalyst for me to solve my problem. Strugatsky described it whether in "The Waves Shake the Wind" or "The Beetle in the Ant-hill". The character in "The Institute of Geeks", where people were selected, also solved problems this way.

Such is the case. (And that's Vonnegut now.))


That's it. We're adjourned. Thank you all for your help in writing the strategy.))

Svinozavr писал(а) >>

))) Crematorium.

I don't know. ;) In the emotional context of this topic :)

"The ugly Elsa (solution)", but so "the queen of flirting".

Yes and the deposit, regardless of the quality of the code, still "lives to die tomorrow".

Either in the pockets of the DC owners or in "Beer, for union members only. "


Added a comma.