"The 'perfect' trading system - page 136


I do not understand you. You've declined the gift (the cost of this EA is $777), i.e., you refused the opportunity to test the EA in real time, at least for demo, at least for real money.

You refused.

Now you are complaining that I am only showing you tests.

You are not using EAs on PAMM, it is a different project, more complicated.

100k you are still trying to "tease" :) Better give it to Paukas, he now needs it more.

As a general rule, I get it, you only want to have fun on the forum - the rest is just showing off.

Thank you, Vitya, for your concern. I'll never forget it. :)))
I'm not really into what 700%?, but I hope they're not in the tester... Or am I wrong?

They are directly available to everyone. They were. In 2010.

How much will come out in 2011 is unknown.

Thank you, Vitya, for your concern. I'll never forget it. :)))

I don't care - he won't give it to me anyway :)

I don't even care. He won't give it to me anyway :)

Still. A very noble thing to do. You don't see a lot of that these days. Everybody wants profit, money of some kind...

And you're giving away especially valuable advisors, you're giving away 100 grand for free... I can see that you are a different kind of guy.


Still. A very noble thing to do. You don't see a lot of that these days. Everybody wants a profit, some money...

And now you're giving away 100 grand for free... I can tell you're a different kind of guy.


I do not understand you. You just refused the gift (the cost of this EA is $ 777), ie, refused the opportunity to test the Advisor in real time, though on a demo, though on real money.

You've given up.

Yeah. I have something to test and do. More useful, in the sense of making money ))))

VictorArt : Now you complain that I only show you the tests.

Why only tests? You show the real from PAMM - this is a more relevant reading than some tests in the past )))

VictorArt : We do not use EAs on PAMM - there is another project, more complex.

Do you manage to earn +700% on tests and 92% on PAMM? What is the point? I explain - PAMM is designed to make money, not to drain )))). Maybe you have mixed up something? Sell on the test and earn money on PAMM - and everything will be OK ))))

VictorArt: They are directly accessible to everyone. They were. In 2010.
Like the classic Zhvanetsky - Yesterday they were three, today they are five. Yesterday it was three, but small. Today it's five, but big. But today. And yesterday it was three. But yesterday.....))))

Yeah. I have something to test and what to do. More useful, in the sense of making money ))))

It's more like you're moonlighting as a forum animator - lots of words but not much sense :)

Anyway, everyone has his own "buzz".

Further success to you in testing and earning!


It's more like you're moonlighting as a forum animator - lots of words but not much sense :)

But it's more like you're playing the fool for the sake of making a fuss.
But it's more like you're playing the fool to make a fuss.

I have the same impression.

Victor is not as simple (not as ...k) as he seems...


Buggahaha!!! )))