"The 'perfect' trading system - page 92

Mathemat >> :

It is very interesting that Simons, the head of the famous Renaissance Foundation, a hardened practitioner, is just one of the founders of string theory.

Not at all, because the founder of this theory is H. Venetiano

Mathemat >> :

It is very interesting that Simons, the head of the famous Renaissance Foundation, a hardened practitioner, is just one of the founders of string theory.

Yes, I know him, not personally, of course :). But theories are one thing and practice is another.

I am not arguing about Simos' practice, but it does not mean that the man applied string theory to the stock market.

He is just so talented that he found particular solutions (so-called patterns) of his theory in the stock market area.

I was talking about people who try to build a "theory of everything", i.e. initially theorists.

Pegasmaster >> :

Perhaps these people have other goals and it is not yet possible to apply their theories.

With your nickname, you do know (or have heard) about string theory.


I was talking about people who are trying to build a "theory of everything", i.e. initially theorists.

This is the day before yesterday, as there is already a theory by E. Lisi which theorises everything.


Well, maybe not the founder, but a significant contributor.

Но наибольшую известность в научных кругах ученый получил благодаря теории, которую он разработал к 1974 году совместно с Черном, американским математиком китайского происхождения*. Созданная ими теория предоставляет математикам инструменты, именуемые инвариантами и предназначенные для измерения различий между искривленными многомерными пространствами. Со временем математический аппарат Черна Саймонса нашел важное применение в теоретической физике, оказавшись крайне полезным в теории струн. Это направление в физике, напомним, претендует на роль "теории всего" и пытается переформулировать законы Вселенной в терминах вибрирующих одномерных струн, которые, как предполагается, лежат в основе всех элементарных частиц.

This is from this article.

Mathemat >> :

Well, maybe not the founder, but a significant contributor there.

It's from this article.

Once again, I am not arguing, as Simons has made a very large contribution to string theory. But I was talking about theoretical mathematicians, of which there are 90% in this field of knowledge. And it is not really known whether a general theory of ALL will be constructed.

It may well turn out that string theory will only be a particular solution to the general problem.

Who knows? >> Do you know?

Reshetov >> :

This is the day before yesterday, as there is already a theory by E. Lisi which theorises Everything.

No question, that's exactly what I mean, i.e. the theoretical background. Practical results have been achieved, any application at all?

Simons co-authored the Chern-Simons theory. This breakthrough in the world of geometry since the mid-1980s has been recognised for its application in topological quantum field theory.

No, I don't know, Pegasmaster. I don't think it will be built. And it will only be a "theory of everything", because there are other theories that describe the relevant phenomena quite accurately. In their field of applicability there is no need to replace them with this theory.

Illusions concerning the construction of the "theory of everything" already existed - at the end of the 19th century, for example. You know what they led to. The complete overturning of the then physical picture of the world - as soon as facts contradicting it were found.

paukas >> :

How's it going? Is the map working?

And it turns out there are a lot of us.

google: VictorArt ignore list site:forum.alpari.ru

Mathemat >> :

No, I don't know, Pegasmaster. I don't think it will be built. And it will only be a "theory of everything", because there are other theories that describe the relevant phenomena quite accurately. In their realm of applicability, they do not need to be replaced by this theory.

Illusions about building a "theory of everything" already existed - at the end of the 19th century, for example. You know what they led to. To a complete overturning of the then physical picture of the world - as soon as facts contradicting it were found.

Absolutely agree!!!! You yourself are aware that when "facts that contradict some theory" are found, another "revolution of the physical picture of the world" occurs. This is inevitable on the way of studying the picture of the world!

Well you are not going to claim that there is a theory of EVERYTHING.

Maybe that's why I have the hieroglyph "apprentice" tattooed on me, you or anyone else, and will never become a "teacher". Well, maybe in the next life.)