"The 'perfect' trading system - page 64

DC2008 >> :

I'm preparing new materials. I'll post them in a separate thread soon.


VictorArt is right in the main point: synchronization is the key to the solution. It's a pity that many people on this forum are not familiar with rhythmodynamics. Otherwise, by common efforts, we would have solved this problem long ago - creating an ideal trading system.

We are looking forward to the new materials.


Rhythmody, overall effort, timing, and indeed VictorArt itself is rubbish. Sorry.

VictorArt >> :

At the moment, only the adaptive EA is exposed, in the form of a strictly formalised source code.

The OTT is presented as an abstract description, together with the adaptive EA - this is enough to start with.

The point is that the adaptive EA is created in the framework of OTT, which specifies the principle of creating new trading strategies.

Others have the opposite - there are many formal theories, and try to create working trading strategies based on them.

Many other users of this forum have already posted a large part of the formalised working code in the Code Base.

Another thing is that the clear formalisation and workability of the algorithms do not guarantee their profitability at all. Even if the algorithm is patented. And as the world experience shows, the Nobel Prize does not guarantee it either. On the contrary, the more degrees of protection, the higher the probability that you are dealing with crap wrapped in a beautiful candy wrapper with an accompanying inscription "Beware of fakes".


DC2008 писал(а) >>

It is a pity that many people on this forum are not familiar with rhythmodynamics.

For this purpose it is necessary and enough to get acquainted with any lovely woman and to persuade her to a session of rhythmodynamics. I do not think that there are so many impotents on this forum as you assume on the basis of the theory of a certain VictorArt.

DC2008 писал(а) >> VictorArt is right on the main point: synchronisation is the key to the solution.

The market is far from a sine wave. And pulling the market by the "ears" to a sine wave is not feasible, no matter how much you want it to....))))

VictorArt >> :

Reshetov, you are now on my ignore list.

>> give me the whole list, please.

VictorArt >> :

At the moment, only the adaptive EA is exposed, in the form of a strictly formalised source code.

The OTT is presented as an abstract description, together with the adaptive EA - this is enough to start with.

The point is that the adaptive EA is created in the framework of OTT, which specifies the principle of creating new trading strategies.

Others have the opposite - formal theories abound, but try to create working trading strategies based on them.

It's a shame it's all spoiled by bad trade...

LeoV >> :

The market is far from a sine wave. And pulling the market "by the ears" to a sine wave is not feasible, no matter how much you want it to....))))

Leonid, the world around us is far from a sine wave either :)

However, our eyes successfully see only what they want to see.

For example, they see the movement of a sunbeam or the movement of drawn pictures.

Radios see 'their wave', televisions see 'their channel'.

Mobile phones see "their station".

An adaptive EA sees "its profit" :)

LeoV писал(а) >>

The market is far from a sine wave. And pulling the market back to a sine wave is impossible, no matter how much you want it to....))))

I don't know anything about a sine wave.


Synchronisation of mts and the market by quantum and quasi-quantum frequencies, possibly by some other, unknown to me. The price trajectory function is (personally) unnecessary (to me), but someone needs it.

VictorArt >> :

Adaptive EA sees "its profit" :)

Seeing in theory and getting it in practice are different things.


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