Online trading on Wave Theory (NIROBA method) - page 128

LeoV >> :

Wrong - "Indecent Proposal", not "Love for a Million".

Leonid, you're actually in the shit, not the white. If you've never been given one for nothing and never been poured, that just means you're an asshole and not all pussies are pussies.

So fuck you, mate, I ain't drinking with you.

TsaiShenYeh писал(а) >>

Leonid, you're actually in the shit, not the white. If you've never been given a pussy for nothing and never been poured, that only means you're a pussy and not all pussies are pussies.

So fuck you, man, I'm not drinking with you.

What a variety of personalities gather on the internet forums. "m...y", "m...k", "b...i", "" - they can't express themselves in Russian anymore, they use some abbreviated words. For women (and not for women or girls) it is normal to read matte and they are used to it, but to read that there is "love for money" - this is shameless and uncultivated. And mate is fine, they're used to it.....))))

Basically, I wasn't asking for a drink with you.

LeoV >> :

What a variety of personalities gather on the internet forums. They can't express themselves in Russian anymore, they use abbreviations, like "m.u.", "m.k.", "b. i.", "e. s.". For women (and not for women or girls) it is normal to read matte and they are used to it, but to read that there is "love for money" - this is shamelessness and uncultivated. And mate is fine, they're used to it.....))))

Basically, I wasn't asking for a drink with you.

Pri...rock, the women in this thread are long gone. Only you, Eskimo, haven't noticed. You'd better read what you wrote there in jest and what you're trying to wash your hands of. You better apologize publicly, because your wife is on that list. Maybe she's a bitch, I don't know. You don't get any sympathy. You deserve what you get.

Bernard Shaw once dropped the phrase that all women are corrupt. The Queen of England, upon hearing
this, when she met Shaw, asked:
- "Is it true, sir, that you claim that all women are corrupt?
- Yes, Your Majesty.
- And so am I?! - the queen was indignant.
- And you too, your majesty," replied Shaw calmly.
- How much am I worth?! - the queen burst out.
- Ten thousand pounds sterling,'' said Shaw immediately.
- How cheap is that? - The queen was astonished.
- You see, you are already haggling," smiled the playwright.
TsaiShenYeh >> :

I am away on business. I hope to see a public repentance by the time I get back.

for karate practice?

TsaiShenYeh писал(а) >> because that list of yours includes your wife.

Where my wife goes is up to me. I chose her, without your help Thank God, and I'm happy......))))

TsaiShenYeh wrote(a) >> I'm off on business. Hope to see a public repentance here by the time I get back.

">>Where's the prosecutor? - In Ward 6, where Napoleon was."

Internet forums are a ploughshare field for psychiatrist's research. It would be interesting to compare a person in real life and how he behaves on the Internet. )))) Doesn't anyone know a psychiatrist?

Czar. Just the King (c).....)))))

metafucker писал(а) >> for karate training?

Yeah, piss on the monitor.....)))) "Piss in the toilet." (....)

TsaiShenYeh >> :

To tell you the truth, I don't give a shit about Niroba or anything else that goes on around here. But some things are too much for me to take and type.

I'm on a business trip. I hope to see some public repentance by the time I get back.

Where are the "forum sanitarians"? There's a troll here with a cut-eye white fever!

LeoV >> :
Returning to yesterday's topic on relationships, I recommend watching a very good film called "Indecent Proposal" starring Demi Moore, which just shows complex and rather ambiguous relationships between people and the problems of love for money. Highly recommend....))))

And "Greed" is not about carnal love, but about love as an attitude towards one's neighbour, but it's also very well wrapped up.

LeoV писал(а) >>

"Where's the prosecutor? - In Ward 6, where Napoleon was...!" (c)

Internet forums are a ploughshare field for psychiatrist's research. It would be interesting to compare a person in real life and how he behaves on the Internet. )))) Doesn't anyone know a psychiatrist?


Yeah, that's a problem. Defending women in such a perverted, profane way is totally fucked up. It's like an American movie cliché - goodness with such fists that it won't rest until it kills everyone.