Online trading on Wave Theory (NIROBA method) - page 281

OlegTs писал(а) >>

no, it's not a niroba clone, niroba doesn't make grammatical errors...:))))))))

At least one person gets it!!!))

Synexs >>:
Хоть один человек понял это!!!)))

Yeah, well, kind of funny. It's kindergarten all over again. It's just plain stupid...
Synexs >>:

Мне смешно и хочется плакать одновременно...нет честно, читал ветку с самого начала...и всегда поражаюсь аргументам, основанным на личном отношении к человеку, а не на фактах...если Вы такой успешный трейдер, то замониторьте сами свой счет...хотя я уверен, что если он и есть, то на демо-сервере...и ответ Ваш будет основан на личных оскарблениях, а инвест-пароля никто так и не увидет) что ж еще раз повторю любимую фразу: рабочаю деятельность можно изобразить - с умом, к сожалению подобный фокус не проходит) и завершаю нашу с Вами беседу)


А зайцы продолжают по-тихоньку косить пипсо-травку)


E_mc2 писал(а) >>
ЗЫ. Я здесь не случайно. Нада ж утирать нос таким вот болтунам, пустозвонам.

Насмешили))))) так насмешили)))) утирание носов производится методом личных оскарблений)))

Necron писал(а) >>

Дальше, Алексей, можете уже писать синим цветом :) Эту фразу мог произнести только человек, долгое время пробывший на этом форуме, но никак не с сегодняшней регистрацией. Стиль общения один и тот же. Маскироваться нужно лучше ;)

Нет это довольно известная фраза;) так из истории)

Хочу подкинуть Вам одну МААААЛЕНЬКУЮ подсказку;) тодько между нами;) у Алексея, как вы решили всем форумом, есть "брат";) посмотрите на его имя;) на его сайте;) только я Вам ничего не говорил))


А тренд-то хорош) снова ждем-с 1.26 что бы опять прокатиться до 1.33 на сей раз, а потом опять на качели))

Don't give me that cheap bullshit, OK? The facts are PAMM, this is monitoring ... not pictures, chatter on the forum. Where are they? I want to see these facts. Not that shitty PR about your friend who allegedly successfully cooperates with Niroba and you too recommend it...this is pure nonsense. Niroba offers paid services. I as a potential investor want to see proof of profitable trading. Don't give me your PR posts. Where can I see the real results of Niroba's trading???

Further...I personally have not offered anyone any paid don't try these cheap tricks to turn the tables on me. When you have nothing to say on the subject, it's "you're a fool". Vetok on the forum, and even with the name "on line trade," I did not zavodil, investors in contrast to Nirobka categorically do not seek and do not need them. I am not looking for investors, I don't need them. It is the law. If I'm not mistaken, I will not care about charts, stupid forecasts that are often nonsense (how long do I expect oil at 12 quid and gold at 600???), your blatant advertising and chatter that I, as a potential investor, do not care. No sane person will give money to Nirobka for management purposes because of pictures and chatter on the forum with nonsense prognoses. Stop this clowning around. They have been steadily encroaching on the symmetry of the market and the rise of the youngsters. We are talking about money, we are talking about money for scratch cards. We are talking about money. Your cheap PR posts about friends who successfully work with Nirobka, your personal assurances that you have seen the results of profitable trading Nirobka (for more details, where have you seen, where can I look at them?), this is not a proof, but just the opposite, it looks like a sucker move.

Again, dear fellow, what a nose job, what personal insults. Why are you writing this nonsense for small children? Asking for tangible evidence of proprietary trading from a man who offers to take money for managing, is this a personal insult to you? Look how cunning you are as a scam artist. As soon as you take money for managing, you run and ask for more. And as soon as you mention PAMM or monitoring to look where I will give my hard-earned money, so you immediately yell personal insults? And you do not have the nerve, gentlemen scamming suckers? What's your excuse?

They have no PAMM, no monitoring, nothing, and they are already asking for money for management... If you say so, it would be nice to see the proof before giving money... He registered quickly under a left-handed nickname and start talking about friends, how they recommend cool... Niroba is a genius, trade brilliant... everyone, bring the money.

Stop posting under a fake nickname, Niroba. Your handwriting is visible a mile away. You wrote in blue, now you register a new nick and write in yellow. The colour's changed, but the principle remains...


I repeat once again - I am NOT AGAINST ANYONE to give them money! It is everyone's own business how they spend their money. I only said that I was impressed by Alexei's trading strategy. No more than that. And there is a man I can trust in terms of results. But this is my opinion.

If you have something to say about the strategy, then speak ... I myself am interested, maybe you have noticed some more nuances that I have not seen, and the filling of the topic is not necessary ... comes to mind the old adage: "The success of a man directly proportional to the number of his envious" .


P.S. To compare me to Alexei is sheer nonsense. You may notice that the style of speech is different, it's so from the psychology course;)

Synexs писал(а) >>

I repeat once again - I am NOT AGAINST ANYONE to give them money! It is everyone's own business how they spend their money. I only said that I was impressed by Alexei's trading strategy. No more than that. And there is a man I can trust in terms of results. But this is my opinion.

If you have something to say about the strategy, then speak ... I myself am interested, maybe you have noticed some more nuances that I have not seen, and the filling of the topic is not necessary ... comes to mind the old adage: "The success of a man directly proportional to the number of his envious victims" .


P.S. To compare me to Alexei is sheer nonsense. You can replace the fact that the style of speech is different, it's so and psychology courses;)

The more you make excuses, the more you will be burdened.

Just do not pay attention to all the ignoramuses out there.

Nerve cells don't regenerate... :)))))


Просто не обращайте внимания на всяких там невеж.

And this is coming from a person who cannot spell without making mistakes and does not know that a 400% drop in exchange rate is impossible, a 100% drop is zero :)))

Вряд ли стоит вступать в дискусию с ярыми противниками Волновой теории,

всё равно ничего не докажете, и уж тем более ничего не добьётесь кроме оскарблений в Ваш адрес. ))

Synexs >>:


So funny))))) so funny)))) wiping noses is done by personal insults)


Different people, but the same love for coloured texts, underdeveloped emoticons, the same lack of punctuation and the same grammatical errors. The correct spelling is "insult".

As they say: if you don't praise yourself (by creating a clone of yourself), you walk around like a spitfire.


Alexei, a question about the Euro: Do you think it will soon break through 1.31 or TP should be set at 1.30 - 1.305 and again wait for a bounce down to enter?

Well twins...even wrote posts four minutes apart. First Niroba wrote under Synexs, 4 minutes later Niroba wrote under his usual nickname))) Just chasing each other )))))
Synexs >>:

Алексей вопрос по евро: как думаете он в ближайшее время пробьет 1.31 или ТП ставить на 1.30 - 1.305 и снова ждать отскока вниз, что бы войти?

You're having a quiet conversation with yourself.) Nirobka, but it's true what the man above said))) One in the same, the word "insults" in both of you is the same with the error, the same)))) I said above about the colour) Do you really need dough from investors...that such a cheap PR is deployed?