Online trading on Wave Theory (NIROBA method) - page 129

LeoV >> :

Internet forums are an unploughed field for psychiatrist research.

There's enough clinical material here to last a couple of seasons of a TV show, Battle of the Psychiatrists.

alexx_v >> :

There's enough clinical material in here to last a couple seasons of Battle of the Shrinks.

Well said! :)))

Mischek >> :

For the fishing trip.

>> salmon, nearly 8 kilos.

Eh! I love fishing. My biggest trophy this year was an 11.3 kg carp. There are no salmon in our area. That's a pity.
You know, LeoV, a friendly piece of advice - stay away from the latrines...
TsaiShenYeh писал(а) >>
You know, LeoV, friendly advice - stay away from the latrines...

Do I have to go to the toilet in the street now? Or on the parquet at home? Some unfriendly advice.....)))))

LeoV >> :

Do I have to go to the toilet in the street now? Or on the parquet at home? That's not friendly advice.....)))))

You're a master at perceiving and producing images in a humorous and allegorical way, so take it as an image.


I have neither the time nor the inclination to discuss it. You don't want to admit a mistake, just stay as you are. It's hard to be you.

TsaiShenYeh писал(а) >>

You are a master of taking images in a jocular and allegorical form, so take it as an image.

Who says I'm a 'master'? I'm not a master - I'm just learning..... so decipher your message for us.....))))

A little hint for NIROBA as sad as it is:

Missed today's debate, sorry I didn't participate... But I can tell you that I don't think anyone can prove their truth in this little conflict, because there really is no truth... There's only one person's beliefs on this or that issue, and they may differ 100%. Everyone has their own beliefs, their own truth...

RomanS писал(а) >>

Missed today's debate, sorry I didn't participate... But I can tell you that I don't think anyone can prove their truth in this little conflict, because there really is no truth... There's only one person's beliefs on this or that issue, and they may differ 100%. Everyone has their own beliefs, their own truth...

If three people enter a room, each one will describe the room in his own way and see the way it is arranged, so there is nothing surprising about that...