Classical thechanalysis doesn't work any more. What works, maybe quantum? - page 24

Helen писал(а) >>

I'm terribly sorry, but a correction is still needed. I belong to the category you called: "uneducated forum users". You're thinking too broadly :) Shall we narrow it down to educational level, or rather literacy, in one of the sciences? Do you really think that an uneducated person or, as you put it, a "chukcha" is able to "find several patterns"? Honestly, it makes me smile :)

I, too, am wildly sorry, but I, too, belong to the Chukchi, while I would like to form patterns on the basis of some theories proven in practice. Example, FATL by Kravchuk uses theory and quality of FATL in terms of MA is much higher than any adaptive MA. But this is not enough. That's why we live by gut feeling, while gut feeling is the proof of little knowledge.

HideYourRichess писал(а) >>

I don't understand why you're not happy with that discussion. Compared to this one, it's heaven and earth. However, quantum threads are traditionally for relaxing a sense of humour and shrugging off superiority.

I'm not happy with the whole forum. If one compares the branches discussing stationary VR (which I think is a dead end), there is virtually nothing about non-stationary VR. The threads on unsteady BP have been maintained by a few knowledgeable in the field (Prival for example). For unsteady BP such people did not show up. We had something on Hurst but can't recall anything else.

faa1947 >> :

I am not happy with the whole forum. If you compare the threads where stationary BPs were discussed (which I think is a dead end), there is virtually nothing about non-stationary BPs. The threads on unsteady BP have been maintained by a few knowledgeable in the field (Prival for example). For unsteady BP such people did not show up. There was something in discussion of Hurst but I can't recall anything else.

But this is not a forum on non-stationarity problems, but only a forum of developers of particular software. Secondly, not everyone who does something in this direction is ready to share their efforts, and one can hardly blame them. Thirdly, many things which could be related to the problem of non-stationarity, they are discussed, but under other names. For example, the problem of overfitting - sometimes it's overfitting in the 'classical' sense, sometimes it's non-stationarity. Fourth, roughly speaking, there can be an infinite number of non-stationarities, but there is one stationarity - this imposes. Fifthly, to speak about stationarity one must know some minimum of corresponding methodology and terminology, which is not interesting for everybody. Sixth, everything is an illusion.

Scientific method - a set of basic ways of obtaining new knowledge and methods of solving problems within any science.

The method includes ways of investigating phenomena, systematising and correcting new and previously obtained knowledge. Inferences and conclusions are made by means of rules and principles of reasoning on the basis of empirical (observable and measurable) data about the object[1]. Observations and experiments are the basis for obtaining data. Hypotheses and theories are put forward to explain the observed facts, from which conclusions and assumptions are formulated. The resulting predictions are tested by experiment or collection of new facts.[2].

An important aspect of the scientific method, its integral part for any science, is the requirement of objectivity, which excludes subjective interpretation of results. Assertions should not be taken on faith, even if they come from reputable scientists. In order to ensure independent verification, observations are documented, and all background data, methodologies and research results are made available to other scientists. This allows not only additional confirmation by reproducing the experiments, but also a critical assessment of the adequacy(validity) of the experiments and results in relation to the theory being tested.

In the 20th century, a hypothetical-deductive model of the scientific method was formulated[3 ] (discussed in more detail below), which consists of the successive application of the following steps:

  1. Use experience: Consider the problem and try to make sense of it. Find a previously known explanation. If this is a new problem for you, go to step 2.
  2. Formulate a hypothesis: If nothing you know fits, try to formulate an explanation, put it to someone else or in your notes.
  3. Drawconclusions from the assumption: If the assumption (step 2) is true, what consequences, conclusions, predictions can be drawn from it according to the rules of logic?
  4. Check: Find facts that contradict each of these conclusions in order to disprove the hypothesis (step 2) . Using the conclusions (step 3) as evidence for the hypothesis (step 2) is a logical fallacy. This error is called "affirming the consequent"( Greek: Επιβεβαίωση του επομένου)
HideYourRichess писал(а) >>

But this is not, after all, a forum for non-stationarity problems,

What's that got to do with it! Either the trading system considers stationarity or it considers non-stationarity BP. BP is the same for everyone, but the understanding of BP is different. Your rejoinder is a typical example of extinguishing an attempt to discuss real BP rather than its model, which has nothing to do with BP.

faa1947 >> :

What has that got to do with it!

This is very important.

faa1947 >> :

Either the trading system considers stationarity or it considers non-stationarity BP. BP is the same for everyone, but the understanding of that BP is different. Your rejoinder is a typical example of extinguishing an attempt to discuss real BP rather than its model, which has nothing to do with BP.

If you're not happy with my explanations, there's nothing stopping you from looking for answers yourself. But blaming people for not being interested in what you are interested in is kind of unreasonable.


I couldn't help adding this post when I happened to come across a statement in a book. If it has already been quoted, I apologise in advance for the bojang.

Gibson: When applied to technical analysis, the idea of repetition is "false, foolish and dangerous" A. Smith. The Stock Exchange. Gambling. p.126

faa1947 >> :

Everything is available in the branch.

I took a digital signal generator (a la Kravchuk) and got EURUSD spectra {...}.

Question: what's the phase in these filters? I took the same generator of digital filters-

sorry, but it's an instrument generator with virtually unknown characteristics.

jartmailru писал(а) >>

Question: what was the phase of these filters? Took the same digital filter generator-

sorry, but it's an instrument generator with virtually unknown characteristics.

Totally agree, can't tell if it's on purpose or not. I'm trying to find a companion to replicate this or develop another similar system. I have Matlab, I know MQL, I have TS in various FATLs, but I have no luck. I can't get a grip on Matlab.
faa1947 >> :
Totally agree, can't tell if it's on purpose or not. I'm trying to find a companion for duplication of this or other similar scheme. I've got Matlab, I've mastered MQL, I've got TS in FATL, but I have no luck. I can't get a grip on Matlab.

There must be open source for generating the filter. Someone said that in the simplest case a simple inverse Fourier transform can work there. The only thing - somehow, apparently, according to the test signal, it is necessary to calibrate the phase - if not to advance, then at least not to lag behind. But how does phase behave in frequency band - doesn't know :-(.