Classical thechanalysis doesn't work any more. What works, maybe quantum? - page 23

faa1947 >> :

Started, all in vain. Gave evidence of non-stationarity and non-linearity.


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I don't know how to insert links - ERUUSD spectra - is this proof of non-stationarity?



faa1947 >> :

ERUUSD spectra - proof of non-stationarity?

>> I don't know. It depends on the spectra.


You seem to be making a bit of a boring argument here.)

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I don't know... It depends on the spectra.

Everything is available in the branch.

I took a generator of digital signals (a la Kravchuk) and it obtained EURUSD spectra. The generator itself is closer to stationarity than to non-stationarity, nevertheless it raises many questions. Non-stationarity is visible at once, because resonance frequencies at different parts of BP are drifting. The window issue is not solved at all in the Generator. In any case, the resonant frequencies depend on the window size, which is obvious because the periodicity (distinguishable from period) varies in a non-stationary process. In a stationary process the window width must be equal to the period. But most importantly, what is a signal? In DSP we know for sure that there is a signal. By analogy, DSP specialists look for a signal in BP. But it does not exist in the sense that it exists in DSP. And we don't need it. Much more important are trend reversal points, i.e. patterns. What characteristics of a dynamic non-stationary time series will yield pivot points? No one has ever discussed.

faa1947 >> :

Everything is available in the branch.

Is that the name of the thread? Are ERUUSD spectra proof of non-stationarity? - Phew, I didn't get it right away.

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Is that the name of the topic? ERUUSD spectra are proof of non-stationarity? - Yikes, didn't get it right away.


faa1947 >> :

Started, all in vain. Gave evidence of non-stationarity and non-linearity.

I don't see why you're not happy with that discussion. If you compare it with this one, it is heavenly. However, quantum threads are traditionally for relaxing a sense of humour and shrugging off superiority.

faa1947 писал(а) >>

I am new to a forum that is nothing but sad. On one side are uneducated forum users and on the other side are educated supporters of BP stationarity. It seems to me that the winners (in terms of money) are uneducated forum users who will find a few patterns and quietly collect their dough. This is the level of TA, which corresponds to the level of that Chukchi who sings what he sees. These people are closer to the subject and perceive BP for what it is. They are joined by NS, who also look for patterns that are impossible to see. The forum is in a deadlock thanks to these people. After all, there is mathematics for nonstationary processes, there are adaptive control systems in nonlinear nonstationary environments - there is nothing of this on the forum. Those pathetic sprouts which appear on a forum either are banned or crushed by supporters of stationarity of VR.

I am wildly sorry, but a correction is still needed. I belong to the category you called: "uneducated forum-goers". You think too much :) Shall we narrow it down to educational level, or rather literacy, in one of the sciences? Do you seriously believe that an uneducated person or, as you put it, a "chukcha" is in a position to "find a few patterns"? Honestly, it makes you smile :)

You see... When an "uneducated..." sees a brick on the road, he gets out of his car, moves the obstacle aside and continues driving. Calmly, towards the target. What do a hundred "educated" drivers do? They get out of their cars, take out their folding chairs, sandwiches, sit down in anticipation of their favourite pastime and a scientific argument begins. The subject of scientific dispute is always the same: who is more educated (it's not about bricks anymore)? And since all of them know more than anyone else and all together, then, as usual, ends up spitting sandwich remnants at each other and in a very upset mood they go home to complain to their wives about their stupid opponents (whose "stupidity" is that they did not accept the "stupidity"). whose "stupidity" is that they do not accept his, namely his, "exceptionally right" point of view, and instruct them to prepare new portion of sandwiches, because they (he) have failed to bring to the "blockheads'" senses that quasidiscretion is not what they foolishly think it is... The brick is there, where they were going is not important (it's not the point), but it's incredibly interesting, life is boisterous :) ... Which is often the case on this forum... the gridlock you mentioned... but... the "educated" usually do, you deny yourself the authorship of the deadlock. Start a thread, keep it going, pay attention, learn... but don't forget the goal.

Written with the same sadness... but with a smile :)