Useful tools - page 9

SProgrammer >>:

Круто ... :))) Вы прям реально ! Крутые прецы !!!

Yeah. Now we're going to see what kind of Sukhov you are:

post the beginning of the very useful AutoRuns utility from that Sysinternals kit you've been advertising here to the FORUM.

As a security expert, you're bound to have them. I'll tell you right now: I have them, and legitimately so.

Here's the beginning of the text:

#define APPNAME         "AutoRuns"

BOOL GetTreeviewTextRecurse( HWND hTree, HTREEITEM hItem, int depth, char ** text )
        char    *       ptr = *text;

        while ( hItem )  {
                HTREEITEM       hNext;
                TV_ITEM         item;
                int                     j;

                // Add item
                for ( j = 0; j < depth; ++j )  {
                        memcpy( ptr, "+ ", 2 );
                        ptr += 2;
                item.hItem = hItem;
                item.mask = TVIF_TEXT;
                item.pszText = ptr;
                item.cchTextMax = MAX_PATH;
                TreeView_GetItem( hTree, &item ); 
                ptr = strchr( ptr, 0 );
                memcpy( ptr, "\r\n", 2 );
                ptr += 2;

There's nothing to check! I'm not a Sukhov! :)) How could I have such raw data?

SProgrammer >>:

Да и проверять-то нечего! Какой я там Сухов! :)) Откуда у меня могут быть такие исходные таксты.

What do you mean 'from where'? From Mark Russinovich's BOOK "The inner workings of Windows"! The sources of sysinternals specific utilities are not on the web site and never have been, not even on, but they are on the disc in the BOOK.

Here's where it comes from.

If you ("you" abstractly from SProgrammera) don't even have Ruscinovich's book handy, what kind of "expert" are you?


I told you, who's Sukhov?! What special person?! How!?

OpenSSL - the real 1.0.0 - is finally out.
It generates SSL certificates for secured email, HTTPS connections, and . for MT5. But MT5 installs its own certificate (just in case it will be lost...).
You do not need windows server to get your own certificate or expensive paid certificate from "certificate providers". Basically there were no problems in beta-versions of OpenSSL like 0.9.8, but now there is a full version.
Download it from here:
To generate your own certificate by typing in the command lines - read the doc

From Wikipedia:

OpenSSL is an open source cryptographic package for SSL/TLS. It allows to create RSA, DH, DSA keys and X.509 certificates, sign them, form CSR and CRT. It can also encrypt data and test SSL/TLS connections.

Available for Microsoft Windows, most UNIX-like operating systems (including Solaris, Linux, Mac OS X and four open source BSD operating systems), and OpenVMS. OpenSSL is based on SSLeay written by Eric A. Young and Tim Hudson, who unofficially finished working on it in December 1998 when they started working on the RSA Security project.


You have to compile the delivery from the website yourself. I think a compiled package will be available somewhere in a couple of days. Previous version 0.9.8 compiled here:
AlexEro >>:

Что значит "откуда"? Из КНИГИ Марка Руссиновича "Внутреннее устройство Windows"! Исходников особых утилит sysinternals на сайте нет и никогда не было, в Инете даже на их нет, но на диске к КНИГЕ они все есть.

"The inner workings of Windows 2000", is that the name of the book? Or were there later editions?

yuripk >>:

"Внутреннее устройство Windows 2000", так вроде называется книга? Или были более поздние издания?

Is google being blocked by the Chinese this morning?

how is VirtualBox better than Virtual-PC?
already foundСравнение_виртуальных_машин
The difference is in the number of supported axes, i.e. it's a bit amateurish.
VMware, on the other hand, is disappointing: "Speed of guest OS vs. host OS - Significant losses and limitations."
and by the way, Oracle bought Sun.

The topic of "sandboxes" has already been raised. Here( parts1 and 2 ) is an overview of them. Maybe someone will need one...