Useful tools - page 28


You need a special programme for every sneeze... The editor should stretch to half of the screen, the other half should have a file folder and drag and drop files from the folder into the editor.



Thank you esteemed !!! I know very well what a name and extension is .

"". What I need, alas, is "".

I tried different ways, I know how archivers work ... The problem was something else...

I've always used 7-zip, which has never failed me and opened all types of archives, including rar and zip, but strangely enough the archive is packed with winrar or something else, 7-zip could not open it for some reason. Winrar opened it the first time ....

Wow, I was just struggling with this archive the other day. Funny, I'm not the only one! -)))))))))

But I did it in fifteen minutes and opened it with Total. Just 7-zip was and I thought it was useful - but it wasn't! Vin.rar wasn't installed and I didn't want to install it specially. I was annoyed by how I could see all archive's content in Total, but couldn't get it)))). This is nonsense. In general, changed the file extensions manually and opened. But damn problem solved: the names of the archive, the names of the extensions, and the third volume was looking for!!! )))))

And about Total - I didn't even know it needed to be installed)))) New versions, maybe?


And about Total - I didn't even know it needed to be installed)))) New versions, perhaps?

Ahhhh, I remembered, it was the first version I installed and then I saved the whole folder to a non-windows drive and then just pulled out the shortcut and that was it. Always Total on hand, even when there's no Windows either))))
Maybe off-topic, but I'm hooked on Roboform here. It's extremely handy. And I'm using the to go version, which is on a flash drive.
Anyway, I've given up on browser bookmarking, password storing and other explosive activities.

It's true that the software is not free (of course, you can find a broken one, but why? It's worth it).

What's particularly handy is the synchronicity - it's the same on my tablet and my smartphone as it is on my computer. Anywhere in the galaxy a cell tower reaches.

And - yes! I'd like to dot my I's and dot my I's: the nonsense that's been on the forum without me on my subject is nonsense.
Whose? Doesn't give a shit. Bullshit... )))


Remember, there was a feature in Lexicon like a frame that changed colour depending on the layout. // sorry young ones, we are old ones.

That is, I'm interested in the visual layout of the language layout. I've been looking. Even bought the obvious rubbish for 250 rubles, which didn't work for half of the applications.

Maybe I've missed something? And is there something visually clear - which layout is currently enabled? It's not comical to look down at the taskbar, especially as this taskbar - because of the tank slots - I'm removing it from the screen. I'll be popping up in my next life.

I'd be grateful if you could give me a hint...

Friends! <br / translate="no">

Remember, there was a feature in Lexicon like a frame that changed colour depending on the layout. // sorry young ones, we are old ones.

That is, I'm interested in the visuals of the language layout. I've been looking. Even bought the obvious rubbish for 250 rubles, which didn't work for half of the applications.

Maybe I've missed something? And is there something visually clear - which layout is currently enabled? It's not comical to look down at the taskbar, especially as this taskbar - because of the tank slots - I'm removing it from the screen. I'll be popping it up in the next life.

I'd be grateful if you could give me a hint...


Thank you. That's the last shit I just bought. What's above - looked it up.

Shit! What happened to ergonomics! Is it so hard to make it clear to the user which light, i.e. which layout you are in?

Seems difficult. Changing the colour of the layout is changing the settings... Shit! )))


Well, yes. The API doesn't allow it.

And how would it be obvious: purple is Russian (it's ours!!!), blue is English, I mean window style. But - yeah, that's not realistic. Pity.


Похоже, сложно. Менять цвет оформления - это менять  настройки.. Блин! )))


Well, yes. The API doesn't allow it.

And how would it be obvious: purple is Russian (it's ours!!!), blue is English. I mean the style of windows. But - yes, it's not realistic. It's a pity.
Just API allows everything. :) You can change styles and do whatever you want. But not only a single window will be changed, but all windows in the system simultaneously. Although... If you put your mind to it, you can change the style for a single window. Or change the border colours. But nobody seems to need it. Therefore, there are no such tricks.
The API allows you to do just that. :) You can change styles and do whatever you want. But not only a single window will be changed, but all windows in the system simultaneously. Although... If you put your mind to it, you can change the style for a single window. Or change the border colours. But nobody seems to need it. Therefore, there are no such tricks.

??? Of course it does. But that - imagine - would happen every time you switch. You'd get tired of waiting for all the settings - and there's a lot of side effects! - to change.

It would be much easier to just create a colored frame. Like in Lexicon. Ah! Those were the days!
I don't care anymore. I'm used to it. Almost. But sometimes it's annoying.


Aero could do it. I'll think about it.