Useful tools - page 26


And my 5 cents, all works under Win7 x64, googleable in 5 seconds

  1. Desktops v1.02 - makes 4 desktops. I use the first one for work and the second one to run trading terminals, so they don't get in the way. It is indispensable for me. Just click here
  2. Araxis Merge - compare files, folders, merge files
  3. Beyond Compare - compare files, folders and merge files, similar functionality, I like it better than Araxis
  4. yEd is a free flowchart editor, I use it sometimes.
  5. I also use VS2012 to edit MQL4. This is just a convenient way to have all MQL4, C# and C++ projects in one console. MQL4 compilation is set up in 3 minutes. I haven't got the help yet, maybe it can be added as well.
  6. Doxygen - free tools for writing project documentation. Often useful, recognises comments and makes nice reports in different formats, including chm.
  7. Fast stone capture - takes screenshots of windows, parts of screens, etc., writes screen video. It can be useful when you need to quickly send a picture from the terminal to a colleague.

So, what's so great about it that Notepad++ didn't have?

I don't know why I'm attracted to it... for example, the comments to the self-written code are visible and the parameters themselves when using functions, and you don't need to write anything for that...

I always want to do something new... I saw an eclipse plugin for writing MQL-code and thought, why not create one for the sake of ideas, purely for learning java and the environment, because I recently switched to java and used this very environment...


Yes, I don't know what attracted me to it... well, for example, comments to the self-written code are visible and the parameters themselves when using functions, and there is nothing to write for this...

I always want something new... I saw a plugin for Eclipse designed for writing MQL-code and thought, why not create it too, but for an idea, purely for learning java and the environment, because I've recently switched to java and used this very environment...

The version of Notepad++ I tweaked (and posted here) has both syntax highlighting and autocompletion (Ctrl+Spase) working,

and function hints (Ctrl+Shift+Spase)

And what do you mean "comments to the self-written code"?


It so happened that I had to work in unfamiliar conditions, such as: two computers, two monitors and - only one keyboard + mouse set in my two hands. It happens that way. // Not a Shiva, let's face it. And what would Shiva do without the other kit?

So, the task was to put the mouse and cl-ra on two computers connected via a network.

First tested the cross-platform Synergy - ok, everything seems to work, except the language switch. And that, as I realised after searching, is not a cure.

Not the light of the joint. Found free (oh! how nice not to steal!) InputDirector. Everything got up, everything worked.

So. If you have two computers, two monitors, and space on the table for a glass ... Ugh, for extra keyboard and mouse do not (and why - you're not a mutant?), then it makes sense to shoot yourself or use the software for shared space. For example, the one I got without question - InputDirector. One cl. and one mouse for several computers connected via network.

The settings are elementary. If you have any questions, ask a psychiatrist. Or - if you're in the mood - to me...

If none of the options in the last sentence apply, this is the place to go. Note: This one is in English.


In the version of Notepad++, which I customized (and which I posted here), both syntax highlighting and autocompletion (Ctrl+Spase) work,

and function hints (Ctrl+Shift+Spase)

And what does "comments to in-house code" mean?

You cited standard mql functions, while self-written ones don't seem to be displayed (you have to create and describe a separate xml for them)...

about comments - usually before functions you write comments about what the function is and what it is for... they are also visible in autocompletion...


You gave an example of standard mql functions, while self-written ones don't seem to be displayed (you have to create a separate xml for them and describe them there)...

about comments - usually before functions you write comments about function and what it's for... they are also visible in autocompletion...

I do not know about self-written ones and do not know what to do with them. Most likely, we should create the same XML file, as for standard ones. I'm not thinking about it at all - I've never needed to look through all self-written function's parameters - I keep it all in my head somehow. :)

I wonder why you may need to see the comments at autocompletion?


А зря мучаетесь. Вам не хватает знаний операционной системы. Позвольте Вас малость поднатаскать?

Each file has 2 parameters: a name and an extension. These two parameters are separated by a dot. For example, the file "deposit.txt". deposit is the name of the file. txt is the extension of the file. The dot separates them. We distinguish one file from another by its name. The file extension indicates the file type. All files with a txt extension are text documents. An extension is not so much needed by a person but rather by a computer in order to understand what program should be used to open a given file. For example, most users open files with a txt extension with Notepad.exe which is located in one of the system directories of Windows. For example, most users will open a txt file with notepad.exe under one of the system directories of Windows. And so on for other file types.

So, judging by your video, the option "Hide extensions for known file types" in your Windows is set to "on". So, when you rename files, you can't see if the extension has been renamed. Here is a proof. The screenshot from your video clearly shows exactly WHICH file you are trying to decompress. It's "". What you need, alas, is "". You are unzipping the file with an OTHER name. Now it becomes clear that you have the same thing with the other two parts of the multi-volume archive - they have the wrong names as they should be! Here's a screenshot:

Thank you esteemed !!! I know perfectly well what the name and extension is .

"". What I need, alas, is "".

I tried different ways, I know how archivers work ... The problem was something else...

I've always used 7-zip, which has never failed me and opened all types of archives, including rar and zip, but strangely enough the archive is packed with winrar or something else, 7-zip could not open it for some reason. Winrar opened it the first time ....


... InputDirector. Одна кл-ра и одна мышь на неск. компов, соединенных по сети.

In WinXP there is a utility called "Remote Desktop Connection" -
specify a computer name on the local network and you're up and running. Unlike VNC the speed is perfect,
no lags, and there's even sound. I use it all the time.
In WinXP there is a utility called "Remote Desktop Connection" -
specify a computer name on the local network and you're up and running. Unlike VNC the speed is perfect,
no lags, and there's even sound. I use it all the time.

They are definitely different things.

Hi !

I'm looking for a tool that can help me scan mq4 code like Total Commander looks through tcht files , I've seen it on the forum somewhere but can't find it now ....

If anyone can help, I would be grateful !!!!