Useful tools - page 22


For FF, I can also recommend the AdBlock add-on called Element Hiding Helper for AdBlock Plus.

There you just mark the unwanted element on the page and it won't bother you anymore. It's just that AdBlock doesn't always know what to cut...

Useful stuff, thanks!

It was an evening, there was nothing to do, so I made a masterpiece ;))

1. Unpack the archive.

2. open Chrome.

3. Go to "Wrench → Tools → Extensions".

4. Check the "Developer mode" box.

5. Click "Download unpacked extension..." and specify our folder "Google_MQL4".

As a result the extension will appear in the list of installed extensions and will be ready for use.

That's five!

It was an evening, there was nothing to do, so I made a masterpiece ;))

1. Unpack the archive.

2. open Chrome.

3. Go to "Wrench → Tools → Extensions".

4. Check the "Developer mode" box.

5. Click "Download unpacked extension..." and specify our folder "Google_MQL4".

As a result the extension will appear in the list of installed extensions and will be ready for use.

And for FireFoxa? Discrimination, damn it...



And for FireFoxa? Discrimination, man...


I installed the "Instantfox 2.7.1" plugin in FireFox for the sake of experiment, made a copy of Google with the name "Google_MQL4" in the options,
and in the search bar I used:
"" (without the quotes).
Now a right click on a highlighted word opens a window with "Search Google for (highlighted word)" -> Google_MQL4.
It works.


And for FireFoxa? Discrimination, man...


- Why google search? Install Add to Search Bar and use it to install any search engine you want, including mql4 .
- Why search through Google? Install Add to Search Bar and use it to install any search engine you want, including mql4 .
No. When the search engine on four works, there is no problem. The problem is when it crashes. That's when Google does the best job.

I installed the "Instantfox 2.7.1" plugin in FireFox for the sake of experiment, made a copy of Google with the name "Google_MQL4" in the options,
and in the search bar I used:
"" (without the quotes).
Now a right click on a highlighted word opens a window with "Search Google for (highlighted word)" -> Google_MQL4.
It works.

Thank you. It's working. ... ... ...
Nah. When the search engine runs on four, there's no problem. The problem is when it breaks down. That's when Google does it best.

- Well, if it crashes, yes.

And as for, - "Now right-click on the highlighted word opens a window with "Search Google", you can install the addon FrieGestures and besides a bunch of conveniences, there's a scheme, "Search by highlighted fragment using ...". Underline the word you want, gesture with your mouse (say, right/down), and a window appears with your searches. very convenient).


Hi all. I would like to share a simple WI-FI router "repair" technique

On Sunday, the next time I turned on my laptop, I found out that it "does not see" the home network from the router D-LINK-300, while half a dozen networks of my neighbours at home, the laptop saw and displayed! At the same time "big computer" worked normally in the Internet through the same router ("wired")!

I was about to "call" master, but I decided to look in the Internet first - perhaps the glitch is uncomplicated and easily solvable! But it was not! I have found tens or hundreds of examples of such glitches, but no easy ways of fixing them. There were mostly "abstruse" recommendations and references to professional practices, but none of them suited me (a simple user). It was too complicated and required professional knowledge.

I spent half a day digging through the "search", but the simplest recommendation was to "reset" the router to the factory default settings and then "re-configure" it (with no guarantee that the problem would be solved)! Moreover, the instructions on the links were kind of annoying and incomprehensible with a bunch of unnecessary and redundant operations! Right up to changing the router firmware - the most common initial recommendation!

Finally, I found an address with the simplest setup instructions and very clear step-by-step steps. And here (unlike hundreds of other similar instructions-links) everything exactly matched what I saw on my screen:

And the fix for the glitch itself turned out to be extremely simple: All I had to do was :

"- if other networks are seen by the laptop, but its "does not notice", - try in the settings of the router D-LINK-300 to change (and save):
1. the transmission channel number (I changed "auto" to "12" and it worked!)

2. Or try changing the network authentication method to wpa2-psk (I didn't even have to do that))

========= Good luck everyone!