Useful tools - page 20

Best keyboard trainer I've ever seen BabyType
but for me VerseQ is easy to type blindly in a couple of weeks if you practice for half an hour (an hour) at a time...
Everyone very often has to copy the results of optimisations into a txt file and then open it
in MS Excel. But all the columns open in a pile and each time they have to be aligned to the width.
- Is it possible to set up Excel to do the width matching automatically?
Thank you!
Has anyone encountered a trading terminal that implements a) a fixed scale (as in five, in pips per bar) and b) the ability to draw a circle (not an ellipse) with two points - centre and radius?
Has anyone encountered a trading terminal that has a) a fixed scale (as in five, in points per bar) and b) the ability to draw a circle (not an ellipse) with two points - the centre and the radius?

write a script/expert in a loop, it will scan your trend lines and draw circles on them

Write a script/expert in a loop that scans your trend lines and draws circles on them

How do you account for the scale, if it's not set to 1x1, so that the circle is a circle?

Five has introduced a very good thing - scale in pips per bar, how to apply it is ignored.


How do you account for the scale, if it's not set to 1x1, so that the circle is a circle?

Five has introduced a very good thing - scale in points per bar, how to apply - ignored completely.

Probably through pixel scaling

Thank you to everyone who responded on the cl-ra simulator.

Another question. There was a topic on a neighbouring thread about TVs. Well, not many people watch TV, and after the DBV-T2 scam they are masochists, but Smart TV is an interesting thing. What I've done... I didn't even consider the wi-fi thing. I just did the twisted pair thing, plain and simple. Pulled it, checked it out, that's all. On the old computer, I installed HMS and a 2TB drive.
And a question: how do you make a stream from the computer screen? I assumed it was similar to internet TV, but VLC didn't help me. Any options?


Lieutenant. Did you have the heart to post all this? Apparently, I'm not very clear. Wait, there's vodka in here somewhere. There you go.

I was asking for a simple (as it seemed) thing: a stream broadcast where the source is the actual screen. Here's the kind with your links. . I don't have a problem with media servers.