Useful tools - page 15


That's it, I've conquered notepad++ by making it a full-fledged compiler with updating indices and EAs in the terminal window.

I used F5 key to send to MetaEditor window an arbitrary script, when compiled it updates terminal window, and inductor or expert edited and saved by notepad++ is updated too !!!!

This is a victory comrades!!! :-)) you can even not compile in notepad++, but there is a disadvantage, you can not see the result of compilation, just in case there is an error :-)

To send the F5 key, I used AUTOIT, created a script with the text


Compiled it to exe, put it in folder with notepad++, added launching of this script to Expert Advisors/Inductors compilation scripts and it's done.

Only not convenient to press ctrl+s to save and then f5 to compile, had to put checkmark in notepad++ Save all files on execute plugin, sorry it saves all open files but not current one :-((

I guess I'll have to write a ctrl+s-key combination script in auth_it :-)


Scite (Build from Russian community on )got a better adaptation:

1.Compile by hotkey (Ctrl+F7 - standard Scite hotkey to compile, automatically saved).

The module is sent directly to the compiler (metalang.exe).

2.Displaying errors in Scythe console with jump to the line with the error on click (also an Autoit script).

3.Online help for functions ( by F1 (cursor on function name).

If you make an indexed chm-file of help... would be even more convenient...

4.Navigator for module functions (in the box).

5. Highlighting, auto-complete (in the box). For the functions, there is still a possibility of making parameter prompts, but I haven't got around to it yet.

6. Block (function) collapsing (in the box).

7.Inserting snippets-templates during reduction (in the box).

8. Huge possibilities for dopilivaniya-)) (Connecting lua scripts, controlling the editor from external programs, scripts, etc.)

Now I don't know... why I need a standard editor-))

ZS...I haven't posted it yet...some things need to be finalized...but if interested to see the "semi-finished product", feel free to contact me...


The ToR wizard is a free programme for creating technical specifications for websites, software, etc.
The program provides easy creation of professional TOR in accordance with GOST.
It is possible to edit a previously created project, export the results in HTML and Microsoft Word format.
It does not need installation, works from any media.
Has embedded documentation (recommendations, GOSTs).

You can use the program not only for the creation of terms of reference, but also to store the code of your own functions - the left column of the program allows you to divide your subroutines by type and to combine them into groups.

Files:  1577 kb

Scite (Build from the Russian community at )got a better fit:


But if you're interested in looking at the "half-finished product", let me know...

It's very interesting to get a feel for the product :-))
I need a useful antivirus program. KIS_2012 slows down the computer wildly, taking up to 99% of the CPU away from the Windows every few hours.
- I wonder who uses what antivirus (and firewall)?
Thank you!
chief2000: KIS_2012 slows down the computer wildly, taking up to 99% of the CPU away from the Windows every few hours.

It means it's time to change the stone (processor). And all the other brains as well.

I used to have it on single core Pentium IV 1.8 GHz (Northwood) system I bought at the beginning of 2003. When I changed it for a Core 2 Duo E7200 dual core, all the lags disappeared.


It means it's time to change the stone (processor). And all the other brains as well.

I had this problem with a single-core Pentium IV 1.8 GHz (Northwood) I bought at the beginning of 2003. When I changed it for a Core 2 Duo E7200 dual core, all the lags disappeared.

My computer with E6400 processor (also Core 2 Duo) and 4GB memory is, in general, only lacking KIS. More likely some sort of conflict at the software level.
By the way, I have not encountered problems with KIS on my ancient laptop (at least, I have not seen anything similar).

I've heard Avira Premium is very good as antivirus and easy for system (about firewall, I don't know). Maybe someone has some experience with it?


I heard Avira Premium is very good as antivirus and easy for system (I don't know about firewall). Maybe someone has experience with it?

I wouldn't say that Avira's products are very fast. Also, antivirus tends to be paranoid about everything that moves, ugh, executes - false positives for "viruses" are not uncommon.

I myself use DrWeb antivirus and Agnitum Outpost Firewal Pro. I like this combination the best. AMD Atlon 3800 x64 and 2Gb will suffice for not slowing down anything - I always run a dozen programs simultaneously. I recommend it.

DrWeb policy is that antivirus does not react in any way to dead viruses (not dangerous), thereby not making the user nervous. On the other hand, it allows you to get out of very difficult cases - I've treated many times my friends' computers that were caught by SMS ransomware - nothing helped them, and DrWeb bailed them out.

joo: AMD Atlon 3800 x64 and 2Gb are enough not to lag - always running a dozen programs simultaneously. I recommend it.

Is it a single core or what?

My computer with an E6400 processor (also Core 2 Duo) and 4GB of memory - basically the only thing missing is KIS. More likely some sort of conflict at the software level.

Yeah, it's weird. Not a particularly fast stone, of course, but you shouldn't have such problems.


Is it a single core?

AMD Athlon 64 x2 Dual Core Processor 3800+

dual core.