Useful tools - page 13


Nice watch. Thank you.


You can compile in Notepad++ in this way. Open menu Execute...

enter command

cd ..
metalang.exe experts/$(FILE_NAME)

Give it the name you want, save it.

Open the built-in console.

Use F6 to run our script.

Related question: function list plugin doesn't recognize mql functions, what's wrong?

If there are spaces in the name (script, indicator, expert) it will not work, you should enter it like this (and instead of experts scripts or indicators respectively):

cd ..
metalang.exe indicators/"$(FILE_NAME)"

cd ..
metalang.exe experts/"$(FILE_NAME)"

cd ..
metalang.exe scripts/"$(FILE_NAME)"

There may be another way.


Based on drknn's profile, I've made a custom string folding, which I like even better than the standard one (I used to use C++), you can only put it where you need it, because it's tiring to unwrap a bunch of strings from brackets.

//.. - start

//. - end


tell me where to enter commands

cd ..
metalang.exe indicators/"$(FILE_NAME)"

in notepad++ I go to menu launcher->launch... these commands don't work there, I guess it's just file paths with parameters

open current dir cmd does not work either,

judging by


this should be used in the start->start menu... but it doesn't work for me.

maybe you're using some plugin for notepad++?


Based on drknn's profile, I've made a custom string folding, which I like even better than the standard one (I used to use C++), you can only put it where you need it, because it's tiring to unfold a bunch of strings from brackets.

//.. - start

//. - end

How did you do it? It took me quite a long time to find a way to make the brackets highlighted and at the same time to be able to expand the strings.

I also failed to make highlighting of brackets and expanding from brackets at the same time. Instead of using parentheses, I decided to use symbols //... to start a block and //... to describe its end. Now it is possible to collapse the blocks and highlight the brackets. Attached your autocompletion and highlighting files to the post, for those who aren't familiar with Notepad++ and don't know where to place files there is small faq.

p.s. The almost 1000 line inductor was split into a dozen blocks at a stroke (less than 10 minutes), and the code became much easier to work with.

A thought - in the editor, mark brackets in the same way (//...). It's much easier to understand without porting code to a third-party editor.
But you have to know what you're writing and why :))