Useful tools - page 8

SProgrammer >>:

Почему - просто я всех в своей профессии знаю, а такие проги не тему безопастности пишут только специалисты по безопастности, коих можно по пальцам пересчитать. :)

Это наверное ты так типа пошутил - ну не смешно, :)) И вот я всеьез отвечаю. :))

It's just that you systematically scare us with the horrors of online spying
Mischek >>:

Не иначе усама бэн ладен

A telegram was then sent to Moscow informing them that the Variety financier
was in a state of insanity, that he gave no or no answers to questions
or is unwilling to give any answers and asks only that he be locked up in an
an armoured cell and armed guards.
Varenuha burst into tears and whispered in a trembling
voice, and looking around, that he was lying solely out of fear, for fear of the revenge of
of the Volandov gang, in whose hands he had already been, and that he was begging, pleading
yearns to be locked up in an armoured cell.

-- Ugh, damn it! They don't need that armored cell," grumbled
one of the lead investigators.
-These scoundrels gave them a fright," said the investigator who
who's been to see Ivanushka.

Mischek писал(а) >>

It's just that you systematically scare us with the horrors of online spying

Bears - unfortunately this is the case. Alas. Moreover, it is important to understand that your computers are not used to steal something secret and mysterious, but to steal your password, intercept pressing keys and then send it to someone ( for example to steal credit card numbers and pins ) or to sell your computers as zombies in bulk for 1.5 quid - those are already reketirovat websites through DDOS, etc. It's not dabbling - it's Mishek already business. We need to take it seriously.


It's people like pig-zaurus who write this kind of software - how's she doing? - And TakeMySpeed... :))

Anvir or AVZ "Zaitsev Antivirus".
SProgrammer, so who is this Zaitsev?
yuripk писал(а) >>
Anvir or AVZ "Zaitsev Antivirus".
SProgrammer, so who is this Zaitsev?

I told you I won't. :))

SProgrammer >>:

Мишек - к сожалению это так и есть. Увы. Причем важно понимать что ваши компы нужны не для того чтобы там что-то украсть страшно секретное, а чтобы украть имыйл, перехватить нажатия клавищь и потом отправить кому надо ( чтобы например номера кридиток и пины украсть ) или чтобы потом продать ваши компы как зомби оптом по 1.5 бакса - тем уже уже рекетирует сайты через DDOS и пр. Это не баловство - это Мишек уже бизнес, ... Надо воспринимать это серьезно.

Well, first of all, everybody knows that.
Secondly, it's simpler (with the help of all the usual types of protection) to keep one walker computer for hiking on the Internet, 99% of the shit catches on the moment of hiking
there's no 100% protection either way.
moreover there is no protection from targeted attacks, when it is written for a particular network in a particular office
so what do you want to do, shoot yourself? or get into an armored cell
Either way there will be a constant race of arms and defenses against them, in any case, all gestures on defense is just a probability reduction
Mischek писал(а) >>

Well, first of all, everybody knows that.
Secondly it is simpler (help all usual kinds of protection) to keep one walking computer for hiking on the Internet, 99 % of shit catches at the moment of hiking
there's no 100% protection either way.
moreover there is no protection from targeted attacks, when it is written for a particular network in a particular office
so what do you want to do, shoot yourself? or get into an armored cell
There will be a constant race of armaments and defenses against them in any case, all defensive gestures are just to reduce the probability.

Why does everyone think they're experts - both in medicine and here - I told you - install Ubuntu and the probability will go down 10,000 times. :))

SProgrammer >>:

Почему - просто я всех в своей профессии знаю, а такие проги на тему безопастности пишут только специалисты по безопастности, коих можно по пальцам пересчитать. :)

Sorry, uncle cool hacker, but long time ago, 7 months ago, (while you were on Canary Islands), we were already discussing Process Explorer (and even with a very useful plugin, not included), and the whole forum unloaded some DLLs with it:

Whistling again.

AlexEro писал(а) >>

Sorry, uncle cool hacker, but long time ago, 7 months ago, (while you were on Canary Islands), we were already discussing Process Explorer (and even with a very useful plugin, not included), and the whole forum unloaded some DLLs with it:

Whistling again.

Cool ... :))) You guys are real ! You guys are cool !!!