EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 972

Galina >>:

Нет, думаю все верно сделано.

Сижу в лонгах по еврику, жду момента чтобы е еще подобрать.

У меня по ней цели ух какие высокие, так что эти парупунктовые движения меня ничуть не смущают, наоборот, становится только интересней !!!!!


The Canadian and the Aussie are going to stop and start buying the Euro .... The Canadian is expected to stay around 14350 and the Aussie around 15320


It all worked out according to plan... I don't know what mr. Cox is sniffing or sniffing, but it worked out pretty well.... :)

Current picture...

odiseif писал(а) >>
Galina, you did not rush the pair urofunt??? or you bought even lower???

There's a reversal coming up. I don't think 0.8676 will get through. They'll push back and go up.

Kurapetich >>:

Готовится разворот. Думаю 0.8676 не пробьют. Оттолкнутся и наверх.

mine shows 08689

what's going on anyway???????? why are all the risky assets going up except the eu???? what the fuck?
baбsile >>:
а что вообще происходит????????почему все рисковые активы растут,кроме евре???че за жопа?

important levels on weekly charts ...must touch for reversal ....

odiseif >>:

важные уровни на недельных графиках ...должны каснутся для разворота ....

such as?

US Dollar/Japanese Yen,
give your opinion, because I opened south and I am already 500 quid short
on the euro pound I'm thinking 0.82.... let's go

It's a funny story, the pound is up, the eurik is down, the aussie is up, the canadian dollar is down....

These perls usually occur at key supports or resistances....

Something big is about to happen :)))