EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 929

I think that's all for now. We can wait for the pullback.
I wonder if the pound will make another slide down to 580? :-)
waitra >>:
Интересно, по фунту еще сделает доскок вниз, к 580? :-)

There's nowhere else to go down, there's strong support ahead. And I don't need the bottom anymore... I got a bit bent out of shape yesterday... The work environment was disrupted by the chair... The pound had 2 craps - this is my result))))) while the rest of the pairs went well))) Allah was gracious to the predictions))))

Although the price is about to break a little and go up ... if the news do not spoil the plans) 20% that will go lower, but it will give a chance for a quick rise!

GBP/USD during the day: Downside Investors....(post above by OlegTs ) There's something in it, but I'm sure there won't be a down scenario! well really there's strong support there!!!

EricGR писал(а) >>

There's nowhere to go down, there's strong support. And I don't need the bottom anymore... I got a bit bent out of shape yesterday... The work environment was disrupted by the chair... The pound had 2 craps - this is my result))))) while the rest of the pairs went well))) Allah was gracious to the predictions))))

Although the price is now in a bit of a tailspin upwards ... if the news do not spoil the plans) 20% that will go lower, but it will give a chance for a quick rise!

GBP/USD during the day: Downside Investors....(post above by OlegTs ) There's something in it, but I'm sure there won't be a down scenario! well really there's strong support there!!!

Yes, it is strong, at me it is the last key level, although many prognoses are 583 and the next stop is 578

And the rebound - I mean, the second fast test of 8100, because we bounced very fast (last time there was such a rebound in EUR, I would like to do it here as well, to close the gap and do some buying)

waitra >>:

Сильная да, у меня это последний ключевой рубеж, хотя про многим пронозам идет 583 а следующая остановка 578

А доскок - в смысле - второй быстрый тест 8100, а то очень резко отскочили (в прошлый раз по евре был доскок такой, хотелось бы и тут, закрыть продажи начать покупки)

Well, what advice can I give you... I've got a bit of a hold... surpassing the current sell + income) look... forex doesn't owe anyone anything... so even the bottom with a 20% probability can work out))))
EricGR писал(а) >>

Well what i can advise... I have a little bit of a hold... surpassing the current sell+ income) look... forex doesn't owe anyone anything... so even the bottom with a 20% chance can work out))))

Let's hope it touches 800 and goes up, maybe even into an uptrend :-)

waitra писал(а) >>

Let's hope it touches 800 and goes up, maybe even into an uptrend :-)

All the major pairs have broken through the MA200. No hope for the uptrend. The quid, well done.

Sta2066 >>:

Все основные пары пробили МА200 . На восходящий надеятся не приходится.Ну и бакс,ну и молодец.

first signal to buy!!! ))))

My pound advisor has bought into the sell target: 1.576

that's a bummer... no comment...

but no consolidation... the dollar-yen is standing still... it's currency against the dollar has been depreciating... was there any news on Europe?